Chiari, hospitalized for meningitis: improves the 5-year-old child – Chronicle


Chiari (Brescia), July 2, 2018 – She was declared out of danger but guarded for a few days still the daughter of aged 5 years who was hospitalized Friday afternoon for a particularly disturbing attack of meningitis. Since that time in Chiari and west of Brescia, there have been moments of concern, since the very young patient has come into contact with several villagers and species with children of her age and even younger. At the shelter, he had a very high fever and severe pains

Currently, he is in the pediatric ward of the Spedali Civili of Brescia, where he is continually monitored but it is thought that he is in charge. he is recovering. The child is enrolled in the school Mazzotti Bergomi di Chiari, where she attended clbades until a few days ago. In the afternoon of Friday at the soles of children came the communication of Ats de Brescia who warned the direction of the illness of the child

meantime all the people who were in contact with her, including family members, clbadmates, teachers and non-personal teachers of asylum, prophylaxis were subjected to the normal protocol . The form of meningitis that has affected small Clarense is bacterial and is the rarest and most serious among the various types of this disease (which also has its viral variant). The Istituto Superiore di Sanità states that patients with meningitis are considered contagious until 24 hours after the start of antibiotic therapy. If the diagnosis of the disease is early, the chances of recovery are very high.

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