Childhood obesity, 1 child in 5 suffers in Italy. Risk of intimidation and eating disorders



According to the latest data from the World Health Organization, Italy is the first in Europe for childhood obesity, it has defeated Greece and l & # 39; 39; Spain. Summer and holidays, pediatricians recommend: to monitor the nutrition of children and young people, especially if they are overweight, to maintain a healthy lifestyle and to do physical activity. From WAidid the 10 golden rules to remember


Perugia, 11 July 2018 – Diet and paradox of the Mediterranean: the countries that face it have the highest rate of Infantile obesity. The black shirt goes to Italy that with 21% of obese or overweight children is the first country in Europe for childhood obesity, thus exceeding Greece and Spain. To confirm this, the latest data from the World Health Organization's Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (2015-17)

are among the most adventurous in the world. Europe: 42% of men are obese or overweight, while for girls this figure drops to 38%. And in the South, the situation worsens: 35% suffer

The good news is that, despite the high rates of obesity, overweight and obese children in our country have decreased by 13% less of ten years, as noted by the health monitoring system Okkio, promoted by the Ministry of Health / CCM (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) coordinated by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità

  susanna -esposito

Prof.ssa Susanna Esposito

"Childhood obesity is a wake-up call that parents should never underestimate – warns Professor Susanna Esposito, a professor of pediatrics at the university. University of Perugia and President of the World Association for Infectious Diseases and Immunological Disorders, WAidid – Obesity, in fact, represents a significant risk factor for chronic diseases and, if present in children , she is badociated with a earlier onset of typical adult diseases such as hypertension, heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Prevention is essential to counteract the spread of the phenomenon. The decrease in cases recorded in recent years is due, in fact, to the enormous effort of some countries, including Italy, in the prevention and control of obesity. "

Childhood obesity is also a risk factor for the occurrence of eating disorders (AAA) and is often badociated with the rampant phenomenon of bullying.


Dr. Laura Dalla Ragione

"Obesity in children – Dr. Laura Dalla Ragione, psychiatrist, director of DCA USL network 1 Umbria – is often linked to episodes of 39, bullying, bug of all parents, which manifests itself more and more early, even from 6 years: the weight and the physical appearance is the first reason to be bubbled. Obesity in the early years of life is also a risk factor for eating disorders in adolescence and even before. Indeed, when a child is obese or overweight, he is more likely to develop anorexia or bulimia in adolescence and in adulthood. Finally, childhood obesity is a reliable predictor of adult obesity, which is why it is important to prevent it from an early age and, in obvious cases, to intervene on the pathology by an integrated treatment based on a psycho-nutritional approach. In summer, thanks to the relaxation and the air of the holidays, the attention paid to food and drinks and the relative quantities of children and young people can decrease, with a consequent worsening of the problem, especially in children. "The summer – says Susanna Esposito – should be the perfect time to reduce calories at meals and start new sports, but this is often badociated with a disruption of eating habits and rhythm. sleep-wakefulness, especially in preschool and school age children. In general, we recommend minimizing sugary and carbonated drinks, ice cream and snacks while increasing the consumption of fruits and vegetables and, of course, water. "

For the summer to be a period of rest and fun, in the name of well-being, here are the 10 rules to remember from WAidid:

  1. Drink a lot of water: it is recommended to consume 1 liter per day up to 10 kg of child weight, 1 liter and a half between 10 Do not give up the habit of breakfast (maybe delay it a bit) and prefer homemade desserts or pastries, milk, yoghurt, jam, fruit salad, or home-made and centrifuged fruit ice cubes
  2. Respect breakfast, afternoon tea and dinner as much as possible the intermezzo of useless and harmful food.By lunching on the beach with older children, keep a healthy and healthy intake of carbohydrates or protein without exaggerating with the quantities.With the little ones, do not let them eat under the umbrella and keep them on the beach during the hottest hours (11:00 to 17:00) for avoid the risk of sunburn and heat.
  3. After meals, wait 2 hours before bathing.
  4. Maintain a varied diet rich in seasonal fruits and vegetables. Limit pre-cooked or breaded foods and prefer cold, light foods. A proper diet allows consumption of: meat, fish and vegetables at least 3-4 times while cheese, meat and eggs 1-2 times
  5. Wash fruits and vegetables well: poor hygiene is often cause of salmonellosis, intoxication characterized by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and fever.
  6. Pay attention to raw fish and molluscs: raw fish can be a parasitic carrier, Anisakis, harmful to health. the human being as it can cause gastrointestinal manifestations (sometimes similar to those of peptic ulcer and appendicitis) or allergic reactions.
  7. Yes to homemade ice cream, but better to eat in known places: ice creams and cream desserts are foods responsible for Staphylococcus aureus intoxication
  8. Do not consume food advanced, especially previously heated in the sun or left at room temperature longer than 1 or 2 hours
  9. Sports: physical activity is essential to prevent overweight, obesity and cardiovascular disease; enjoy the summer to reduce the time of television and video games.
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