Cholesterol and fat diet, the mix that hurts the prostate


Diet high in fat, high cholesterol and prostate problems, ranging from benign hyperplasia (benign hypertrophy) to the tumor. Among these conditions, there is a "dangerous" link, not to be ignored, on which the experts of Siu, the Italian Society of urology, attract attention.

Urologists are inspired by two international studies. The first, published in the magazine "Prostate", examined about 36 thousand men between 40 and 99 years old, including nearly 9 thousand with high cholesterol, for a period between one and 14 years: it appeared that those who The propensity to maintain or develop high cholesterol levels, also "supported" by a high-fat diet, was nearly 25% more likely to result in enlarged prostate gland.

The second, published in the journal "Oncotarget" Instead, he badyzed 767 men with a prostate neoplasm, pointing out that hypercholesterolemia was linked to an incidence of more than 37% for development of the tumor. "Preventively – explains Professor Vincenzo Mirone, Siu's communications manager – a useful strategy is to intervene on the correction of food, limiting the intake of fat."

Healthy Prostate? The secret lies in nutrition
The secret to a healthy prostate longer is therefore what we eat. Fruits and vegetables are the foods to be preferred in absolute because, rich in natural antioxidants, they act as anticancer. In fact, they represent one of the best prevention weapons; To demonstrate the connection between diet and prostate cancer, simply compare the percentages of cancer patients from the West and East: in Asian countries, low in protein and in animal fats, cancer cases are lower.

  • For this reason, vitamins and antioxidants are considered "chemo-preventive" substances, with no side effects. It is good to remember, in fact, that an overdose of vitamins is naturally eliminated by the body, except in rare cases, because of an excess of vitamin D. Natural supplements can also be taken to compensate for any food shortages.


Let's go into detail, listing some of the substances that are good for the prostate:

– Lycopene: is a carotenoid and antioxidant, prevents cell damage caused by prostate cancer. action of free radicals. It is found at the tomato table, in summer in a good refreshing slice of watermelon and grapefruit

– Vitamin D: it is a vitamin with a significant anticancer action, able to block the proliferation of diseased cells. It also acts on angiogenesis, or on vessel growth around the neoplastic mbad. We find it in milk, eggs and mushrooms

– Vitamin E: this vitamin is also an antioxidant that protects cell membranes. Milk, corn, egg yolks, wheat and rice, vegetables and vegetable oils contain

– Polyphenols: antioxidants abundantly present in a good cup of green tea

– Isoflavonoids: excellent antioxidants in the fight against free radicals. They are found in green tea and soy. So, treat yourself to a rich plate of chickpeas accompanied by a glbad of fresh tea.

– Selenium: it is a micro-element that fights free radicals. It is found in many foods, including red meats, liver, eggs, brewer's yeast, brown rice, legumes and tomatoes

– Zinc: This substance is very important for the prostate and is involved in many stages of metabolism cellular. It is supposed to be eating legumes, egg yolk, cereals, soy, brewer's yeast, meat and oysters.

Foods to be eliminated. Goodbye to a few sips of water a day. Drinking, drinking and drinking, it takes at least a liter and a half of water

– Stop drinking. It is better to replace the traditional digestive with a soft drink

– Coffee or black tea to regain energy? No, if you suffer from prostatitis

– Absolutely to avoid all energy drinks

– No spicy spices.
– Stop cigarettes and cigars.

And finally, goodbye to sedentary life and excessive consumption of chocolate. Better a little sport in free time and healthy snacks. You know, not everyone will be enthusiastic about these tips. However, starting to take healthy habits from an early age is the best way to integrate them and to make sure that they really help the prostate and the body to feel good.

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