Chuck Liddell: "Midget Mental & # 39; Tito Ortiz still fears me after all these years


LAS VEGAS – Chuck Liddell returns to the cage to face the old opponent Tito Ortiz in a third fight. And "The Iceman" says the competitive fire is still burning after eight years of play. "It's really great, actually," said Liddell during an appearance on the red carpet at the Hall of Fame. from UFC to Las Vegas. "I miss everything in the fight, so be back in the ring and be back there, it's going to be a good time for me."

Liddell (21-8) and Ortiz (19-12) will not fight at the UFC, but for Oscar's Golden Boy Promotions of La Hoya in an MMA event scheduled for later this year . But despite the fact that the details have yet to be confirmed, Liddell is confident that he will be even earlier across the cage of his longtime rival

"We have not had the long contract yet, and we have no date or place yet, so I'm still waiting," Liddell said. "But I'm sure Tito Tito will go, so we'll see, I think he's still scared of me, so it'll be a little more time for him."

"On m & # 39, said (I would hear about the date and place) soon. I hope this weekend. But I would just start and get all this behind us and work on the fight. "

A man who has not hidden how he feels about Liddell's return is his longtime friend, Dana White, president of UFC." Liddell says he understands the concerns of White and others who have expressed their doubts, but that will not prevent him from returning to the cage to face Ortiz again.

"He is not happy but that's what I want to do. He's not going to stop me, "Liddell said. "I appreciate the concern, but if I really felt that if I was in the gym, I could not put things together, or think I was going to hurt me, I would not risk it.

"I'm healthy, I feel good working well, so I'm really happy to be there. So, if I could tell him something, I would say do not worry. I will take care of myself. "

One thing Liddell will certainly not miss on the night of combat is motivation." His aversion to Ortiz still seems strong, but maybe a little different, and now it seems like "The Iceman" is all about continued annoyed by "The Bad Boy Huntington Beach."

"Have you met? Have you spoken to him? Have you had contact with him? Liddell asked, "He will not leave me alone. He will not shut up. He should have let a sleeping dog sleep. He's interested in beating me again, and he's going to pay for that.

"I will beat him every time we fight, one, I'll get ready for him, because I can not bear to lose for the guy, secondly, he's still scared of me. to convince himself that he can beat me. "

Tito Ortiz and Chuck Liddell at UFC 66.

And Liddell broke his way to victory while he's looking to complete a Tripled victories over Ortiz He says that once his old rival realizes that he is still able to stuff his dismantling attempts, he will collapse mentally.

"Beat Tito is going to take two shots in my head, defending a few shots, and he's going to break," he said. "He's a mental dwarf and, as I've said, he's scared of me, so once he understands that I have not slowed down, I always hit hard , I can still stop a shot, it's going to break. "

But, perhaps more than being able to cope with Ortiz, Liddell seems shot about the possibility of simply competing. And he said that if his return goes as planned, it will not be a unique affair. He will be back to find out more.

"I love raising my kids.It's my favorite thing.It's very rewarding.I've enjoyed spending time with my family and with my children," said Liddell. "But, man, I'm walking in the ring … I like to fight, I love my job. I like the workout. I like everything about it.

"I will fight until I am no longer obliged to do it, if I go out there and do what I think – or I will know – I will fight again.

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