Cine-therapy, feel good about movies. The initiative returns to Rome


ROMA – The new edition of "The magic of cinema enters the hospital" was inaugurated yesterday in Rome, for the hospitalized patients at Fatebenefratelli of Isola Tiberina, and their families, to give them a moment of relief, entertainment and recreation. Every Monday at 19:30 – all the month of July in collaboration with L 'Isola di Roma, the XXIV edition of the Festival L' Isola del Cinema – a selection of Italian and international films from the hospital will be screened at the Sala Assunta dell & # 39; Ospedale. last season of movies: "Let yourself go", "All you want", "I'm the storm", "Wonder" and "Put my grandmother in the freezer"

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The initiative – born in 2010 from the collaboration between the Hospital and the Isola del Cinema and enriched since last year by Rai Cinema as a cultural partner – has its foundations in film therapy, long known and practiced, the benefits of which are also known to the scientific world. The vision of a film is actually a therapeutic experience that helps reduce the perception of pain, creating a "pause effect" under the psychological profile and determining a state of well-being that can be seen at the neurological level . Projecting a movie at the hospital also encourages the aggregation of patients who – in a different setting compared to their hospital room – participate in the screening, have the opportunity to express their emotions and to exchange their comments and opinions on the film.

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