Cipomo: "Almost 7 out of 10 oncologists feel in conflict with the pharmaceutical industry"


And 8 out of 10 say that their training in oncology is supported by the pharmaceutical industry. These are the results of the survey conducted among its members by the Italian College of Medical Oncology Primary Hospitals and published on British Medical Journal . Established a position paper to "lead the world of oncology towards the principles of transparency and fairness"

02 JUL – The conflict of interest between Italian oncologists is a emergency. It is perceived as a major problem that can influence costs, education, quality of care and science. 68% think that the majority of Italian oncologists have a conflict of interest (COI) with the industry and 82% report that most of their oncology training is supported by the industry. 62% of doctors, for example, reported direct payments from the pharmaceutical industry in the last 3 years. The common desire is therefore to implement a more rigorous policy, so that the professional judgment always has for primary objective the well-being of the patients and the validity of the research.

These are the results of the research "Italian Oncologists and Conflict of Interest" made by Cipomo (Italian College of Medical Oncology Primary Hospitals) among its members on the delicate issue of conflict And published today British Medical Journal * . The purpose of the survey – conducted anonymously between March and April 2017 and followed by 321 oncologists all over Italy, 13% of medical oncologists – was to verify the opinion of the doctor. Italian medical oncologist in relation to the possible implications of IOC in the field of medical education, badistance and scientific research, especially on the economic relations between doctors and the doctor. ;pharmaceutical industry.

In the light of the results, a real urgency emerges. For these reasons, Cipomo has decided to take a stand by developing a position paper to "steer the world of oncology towards the principles of transparency and equity, educating clinicians about the nature and potential consequences. of silent".

"The document – said President Cipomo, Mario Clerico – does not want to be a complaint but an invitation to raise awareness: the border between" scientific information "on drugs compared to the" "The pharmaceutical industry sponsors medical conferences and contributes much of their education, so clinicians need to be especially careful when choosing between different treatment options." must be based on values ​​and evidence, not on convenience ".

The position paper. The recommendations mainly include the sphere of the research process to protect from the influence of commercial interests. More generally, the value of the interaction between the industry and clinicians should be, according to Cipomo, based on the transmission of useful information to improve the quality of care and not the prescription.

Another point in the college's action is the theme of formation . According to the summary document, it should not represent a marketing tool but, on the contrary, have the explicit objective of improving the quality of clinical choices.

The document continues to focus on the relationship between scientific societies and the external influences of the industry which often contributes to the funding of projects, events and events. research; in this case, the risk to avoid is that the economic support becomes a form of promotion. Great importance is attached to the concept of transparency, designed to provide citizens with the tools they need to evaluate the services offered.

Finally, the chapter of the costs of drugs against cancer. For Cipomo "dramatically increases, much more than the value of the results obtained.A portion of these costs comes from research, however, the pharmaceutical industry is spending even more to promote its products." Our Ssn, notes the Cipomo "guarantees drugs to all, but which prescribes (the doctor) does not pay and does not consume, who pays, the Ssn, does not choose and does not consume, which consumes (the patient) chooses not and does not pay "

" The ultimate goal of work in the health field – Cipomo concludes – must always be represented by the good of the citizen. Clinicians, researchers, administrators, industry and the citizens themselves must work together to ensure rapid access to the best diagnostic and treatment means.

Conflict of Interest in Italian Medical Oncologists: National Survey
Andrea DeCensi, Gianmauro Numico, Enzo Ballatori, Fabrizio Artioli, Mario Clerico, Luisa Fioretto, Virginia Livellara, Benedetta Ruggeri, Maurizio Tomirotti, Claudio Verusio, Fausto Roila on behalf of the Italian College of Medical Oncologists (Cipomo)

02 July 2018
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