Clara Sereni is dead, the voice of diversity


Clara Sereni, who died in Perugia at the age of 71, said that writers are divided into those who feel good when they write and those who suffer. She was in the second category. He said that he was struggling because for her to write was a clarification operation, a way to make order, to try to understand their experience and something of the world around her. . In his last book, Via Ripetta 155 recounting his twenty-eight-year-old youth, he spoke in the plural of a generation: that of Eskimo, the feasts of Unity. , songs of protest. The book, published by Giunti in 2015, arrived in the final at Premio Strega

Clara Sereni had a beautiful and complicated life. Born in Rome in 1946, she was the daughter of Emilio Sereni, leader of the PCI. From the father, the mother Xenia Silberberg, in turn antifascist and writer of Russian origin, told the story in the beautiful The Game of Kingdoms considered his chief-of-the-art. work (the new edition came out in 2017 still for Giunti

The book, whose first edition dates back to 1993, is a journey into its own family past and in the history of our country.In 1991, it s & # 39; She settled in Perugia, where she still resides and where she was Deputy Mayor between 1995 and 1997. Her life was between literature and politics, art and social engagement. recalled: in 1998, he promoted the Città del Sole-Onlus Foundation to help the psychic handicapped

His existence confronted him with great challenges: he had a son, Matteo, a psychotic by birth, to whom he had dedicated the most of his energies In 2004 he participated in the documentary film A silenzio particolare directed by the husband and father of Matteo, the writer and director Stefano Rulli. Matteo himself appeared in the film. Even that had been a trip into the vocabulary of the family. As in his way, it was a book like Casalinghitudine (first published by Einaudi in 1987), in which he talked about himself and others through the domestic universe of food and recipes. Or a title like Merendanze (another domestic neologism), the story of women who choose to help other immigrant women by organizing a fundraiser with a snack / lunch. Here, that of Clara Sereni has been a social literature, in the broadest sense. Today, it would be very good to reread what he wrote. In A Closed History (Rizzoli, 2012) the guests of a retirement home tell Italy about yesterday. Sereni at one point had chosen to retire to a retirement home, but did not want to call hospice: "I have two bright rooms, a balcony full of flowers."

The President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, learned the news, so wanted to remember the commitment: "" I learned with regret the news of the disappearance of Clara Sereni, educated writer, sensitive and refined, a woman who has spent a large part of her life serving the community and the poorest "

Among the other titles of her choral work: Spring Manicomio (1989), The Wolf Merchant (2007), Pbad Me the Salt (2002), in which he unveiled the impacts of his political experience in local government. his debut in 1974 with Sigma epsilon (Marsilio), in which he recounted – as in his last memoirs – the political commitment of his generation.A circle has closed.

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