Clean the colon with natural methods


Maintain the well-being ofintestine It is one of the fundamental principles of a healthy life. It is for this reason that curiosity has increased for all the treatments that promise to bring the organ back to perfection. In fact, the intestine is not only dedicated to the absorption of nutrients, but it also regulates the balance of some fundamental functions of the body. It is therefore not surprising that in recent times we have been talking more and more about colon cleansing, also with natural methods, to rebalance its bacterial flora and guarantee maximum health.

Naturally, when we suspect that the functions of the colon are impaired, we must warn the doctorespecially in case of symptoms such as malabsorption of food, diarrhea, constipation, losses, etc. Colon cleansing with natural remediesIn fact, this should be understood as a routine to include in the lifestyle, but it can not replace treatments for diseases that affect the digestive tract, so that in some cases it may also be contraindicated. The consultation with the specialist can eliminate any doubt.

Colon cleansing: definition and hydrocolon therapy


For colon cleansing, we mean a treatment designed to restore the natural functions of the last section of the intestine, reduce inflammation, eliminate toxins and rebalance its essential bacterial flora. The rhythms of modern life, as well as a diet that is not always healthy, pollution, consumption of certain drugs and many more can change the normal living conditions.digestive system. A colon that does not fit perfectly, in addition to causing annoying symptoms such as swelling, diarrhea or constipation, causes consequences for the whole body: just think how the intestine is an essential organ to strengthen the body. immune system.

=> Discover the relationship between red meat and colon cancer

When it comes to colon cleansing, the first treatment we think of is:hydrocolontherapy, a technique that has become well known in recent years, especially because it is often cited by the media. It is a method that, through a specific machine, allows the colon irrigation and the elimination of mucus and fecal residues, exploiting the mechanical properties of the colon. # 39; water. It is carried out in specialized centers and involves introducing into the rectum a fine cannula allowing the introduction of water and the recovery of waste. It's different from the more traditional enema, both for the depth of treatment and for its effects, and seems to stimulate the restoration of normal activity of the colon, especially peristalsis and bacterial balance.

Colon cleansing: diet


The purpose of colon cleansing begins already from tableby choosing foods that can stimulate them intestinal activity, regulating transit and bringing wellness to the whole body. In addition to following a healthy diet, based on the Mediterranean diet, it is usually suggested to take certain foods rich in fiber, as well as reducing others that could weigh down the body, such as Red meat.

=> Discover foods useful for the health of the intestines

From food more able to stimulate intestinal transit, the expulsion of waste and the restoration of the intestinal flora, there are many vegetables at first. It is therefore good to regularly introduce spinach and asparagus into your diet. cabbagecelery, leek, peas, beans, wheatgrbad, cabbage, parsley, coriander and many others. Generally, all green leafy vegetables have beneficial effects on the body, both for their high fiber content and for vitamin E, recognized for its regenerative properties at the cellular level and to contrast with free radicals. Here again, on the bacterial flora, it can positively influence the consumption of certain milk derivatives rich in lactic ferments, such as white yogurt or Greek yoghurt.

Colon cleansing: herbal remedies


Colon cleansing can also be done with herbal remedies, or plant with a specific phytotherapeutic action for the colon. Many of them are in common use, so much so that in most cases they will already be available at home, but their use should only take place after consultation with the doctor because they may be contraindicated in certain conditions or for certain diseases.

=> Discover the properties of mauve

It's clbadic purifying herbal teas, able to stimulate the transit and emptying of the intestine, but also to protect and regenerate the mucosa. Among the many, very well known are those made from green tea, aloe vera and mauve: the former has an antioxidant action on the tissues of the organ, the others facilitate the expulsion of waste and fecal residues, while protecting the mucous membrane with the formation of a film against the body. ;inflammation.

I am linseed, known for their ability to stimulate the action of the colon, so thyme, plantago, psilio seed and many others. Before taking it, you are advised to find out about possible side effects, as well as to follow the doses chosen by the specialist.

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