Colon cancer, the benefits of vitamin D


In laboratory studies, it has been shown that vitamin D has activities potentially capable of preventing or slowing the development of cancer: it effectively slows cell growth, promotes differentiation and programmed death (apoptosis) New vessels (angiogenesis)

Indeed, having high levels of vitamin D in the blood protects against the most common tumor in Italy, that of the colon-rectum. an additional confirmation of this important function of the protective shield of a vitamin comes from an international study created by the collaboration of European, American and Asian researchers, published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute [19659002] "The risk of developing colorectal cancer over one in 24 women and one in 22 men is the second leading cause of cancer death in men and women," says Sabina Sieri, an epidemiologist with the IRCCS-National Cancer Institute Foundation and co-author of the article.It has already been hypothesized that vitamin D, known for its role in maintaining bone health, can reduce the risk of develop this tumor through various metabolic pathways involved in cell regulation

To address the inconsistent results of previous studies in this regard, 5,700 cases of colorectal cancer and 7,100 cases controls were badyzed, belonging to 17 cohorts and observed for 5.5 years. During this period, compared with subjects with circulating vitamin D concentrations considered to be adequate for bone health, those with suboptimal concentrations had an increased risk of colorectal cancer of 31%. Higher levels than those deemed appropriate for bone health were badociated with a 27% lower risk. This suggests, Sieri concludes, that the levels "recommended for bone health may be lower than those that would be optimal for the prevention of colorectal cancer".

Viamina as much as she wants. There are no absolute parameters: the minimum concentrations of vitamin D in the blood recommended by the US Institute of Medicine are 20 nanomoles / liter, but most experts recommend not to go below of 30, others suggest that you can already speak of insufficient quantities below 50. In general, to make the necessary contribution, just spend more time outdoors

In newborns and the elderly however, this often leaves little at home and fewer young people exposed to the sun, a deficit is quite common: that is why, in the first year of life, drops of vitamin D are Many physicians believe that it is appropriate to prescribe supplements to all patients during a certain age. However, it is important to guard against excess because vitamin D can be toxic at too high a dose. Generally, this occurs when circulating levels exceed 100 ng / ml. To avoid this, it is advisable not to exceed a daily dose of 50 μg / day.

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