Cystitis: antibiotics immediately, otherwise it becomes chronic


It mainly affects the female universe, with a significant social and economic impact. In fact, it is estimated that more than 50% of women have suffered at least once in their life because of cystitis, a low urinary tract infection that in half of them also reappeared within six months the first manifestation.

Increased frequency of urination, pain and burning during the emission of urine: these are the disorders badociated with infection, able to weigh much less than the quality of life of the patient. 39, a woman.


"Cystitis is a pathology that must be treated in the early stages of its onset – explains Stefano Pecoraro, director of the department of urology of the clinic Malzoni Neuromed in Avellino and president of Urop congress (private hospital of urologists). Salerno -. Women of all ages suffer, the disease can occur even without any other related condition.

Prevention is also fundamental in these cases. The hygiene and the hydration are in first place. Even the urination should not be slowed down, the retention of urine causes efforts in the bladder muscle and alters its contractility. To treat it, it is necessary to resort to specific therapies in order to avoid the chronicity of the disease that makes the woman vulnerable by altering her social and badual status ".


The main cause of simple cystitis – in addition to the tendency to hold the urine too long, the intimate hygiene with Excessively aggressive cleansers that alter the badl flora, unprotected bad with multiple partners – is the presence of certain bacteria from the gastrointestinal tract, especially Escherichia coli (in 85 percent of cases).

The pathogen, because of its ability to overcome the barrier of the bladder epithelium and to settle in the tissues, is also responsible for the onset of recurrent cystitis (often the infection is recorded after one or more episodes of diarrhea). It is therefore important to use antibiotic therapy that is not only effective in the urine, as a disinfectant, but can penetrate the tissues, in order to reduce the rate of relapse.

Among the latest generation fluoroquinolones, prulifloxacin, prodrug of ulifloxacin, has some special characteristics that make it the ideal drug in the treatment of urinary tract infections.

"As a concentration-dependent antibiotic, a single administration of the maximum dose allows for greater efficacy from a microbiological point of view and a minimal incidence of adverse effects." side effects – says Carlo Tascini, specialist in infectious diseases of the hospital-university of Pisa -. The use of a short therapy with a powerful drug allows to obtain a high rate of eradication but with minimal damage to the intestinal flora, contrasting at the same time the disturbing phenomenon of the antibiotic resistance ".


The major problem that we encounter today in clinical practice, indeed, is that prolonged and unnecessary antibiotic treatments tend to favor the development of of bacteria resistant to the activity of antimicrobials. In addition, women often adopt a bad behavior: on the basis of their presumed knowledge of the disease, they resort to an inappropriate antibiotic, without the diagnosis and prescription of the doctor.

"Self-medication and incorrect use of antibiotics have certainly contributed to the inability of certain antibiotics to act against pathogens," warns Vincenzo Mirone, director of the urological clinic of the United States. Federico II University of Naples and head of communication of the Italian Society of Urology.

"In our departments, the problem of non-response to antibiotics is becoming one of our main concerns.When bacterial cystitis is simple or complicated, it is important to recognize the germ and it is essential to Use the right antibiotic: for the right time and at an appropriate concentration. "

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