Daisy Osakue, Fiorella Mannoia against Salvini. Him: Sing that passes you


  Daisy Osakue, Fiorella Mannoia attacks Salvini. Him:

Daisy Osakue, Fiorella Mannoia attacks Salvini. He: "Sing that pbades you"

ROME – Volano winds up on Twitter between Fiorella Mannoia and the Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini. The first starting offensive was the singer, commenting on the attack against Daisy Osakue, the Italian athlete attacked at Moncalieri. [App di Blitzquotidiano, gratis, clicca qui,- Ladyblitz clicca qui –Cronaca Oggi, App on Google Play] "What kind of people are you?" – writes Fiorella Mannoia – The work of the Minister of Fear is bearing fruit, we have committed ourselves day after day Congratulations, now he will be satisfied. "

Clear reference to Minister of the Interior who condemned the episode, but his statements came hours later than when the episode was made public (when he commented on average news episodes in real time or almost ). And above all he says that in Italy there is no racist urgency.

With the same lightness, Salvini then liquidated the singer with an ironic comment and with an emoticon smile: "Come on Fiorella, do not overdo it, think about the sky of Ireland and sing who you're exceeds ".


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