Damage to wild animals in Liguria, Coldiretti writes to Mai: "We are also experimenting with sterilization"


The invasion of wildlife in Liguria is no longer, for some time, only an agricultural problem, but the whole society: the exponential growth of wild boars, fallow deer, wolves and other wild animals led to an overpopulation of specimens that, moving away from the woods in search of food, arrived to occupy the inhabited centers and generate, with their presence, many road accidents, endangering people.
This is the alarm launched by Coldiretti Liguria who, The collection of many reports of agricultural enterprises and citizens, worried about an increasingly unsustainable situation and for which all the measures taken so far have not resulted in any significant results, called for further intervention of the Ligurian region.
In fact, Coldiretti Liguria submitted a document to Councilor Stefano Mai containing a series of proposals to stem the serious problem of wildlife In addition to simplifying the regional law on the self-protection of the agricultural fund, the rotation of the teams Hunters from outside the region, online monitoring of the slaughter to avoid habitual failure of the objectives and a series of resource allocation methods, Coldiretti Liguria also asked to the Region to undertake and promote a study and experimentation on sterilization with baits for the containment of clothing, practice already practiced in other European countries and in the world, but not yet widespread in Italy . In England, for example, the vaccine called GonaCon, developed by scientists from the United States An Italian researcher, Giovanna Mbadei, from the Department of Agriculture (USDA), and an Australian researcher have come out of other research on the immunosilverization of the boar. In short, says Coldiretti, by checking the fertility of wild animals with the help of drugs administered with specific baits, which can only be opened by ungulates, one could obtain results in this way. "19659002" The situation – says the president of Coldiretti Liguria Gianluca Boeri and the Confederal Delegate Bruno Rivarossa – must be solved with an approach that manages the wildlife population in a conscious and continuous manner in the interest of any the society. The badysis of the introduction of sterilization can also be a way forward and take into account that this practice is already tested in other parts of Europe and the world, obtaining also positive results, and our region could be an active part of this formula on our territory. However, in Liguria it is now essential to intervene decisively, without underestimating anything, before it is too late and before the inner areas are abandoned by those who can no longer work and live peacefully, with incalculable damage to the environmental and landscape heritage of our region. The economy of entire regions of the region is at stake, as is the environmental balance and the safety of people. The preventive measures but also the repressive measures taken up to here have not solved the problem: in the last period thrusts, especially in the West, are counted on the fingers of one hand despite, however, reports and damage are numerous. This is why we asked Councilor Stefano Mai to take into consideration, in the interest of the local economy and society as a whole, the document containing our proposals and we set out to willing to work together to solve this serious problem. 19659003] [ad_2]
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