Dengue, a case diagnosed at Guastalla – Chronicle


Guastalla, July 20, 2018 – A case of Dengue was diagnosed in a person residing in Guastalla recently returned from a trip to an area where this disease is endemic . His condition is good. Dengue fever is a viral disease transmitted by mosquito bites and characterized by high fever, severe joint and muscle pain, retrorbital pain and rash. As soon as the suspicion emerged that it could be Dengue, with the Municipality of Guastalla the protocols of the case were activated, which envisage the execution, in an area corresponding to the places of permanence of the case reported, from a repeated series of disinfestations against the tiger mosquito, both in public and private areas, with door-to-door methods, to bring down the mosquito population present in the area where the person remained away from the trip

the only carrier of the disease: Dengue fever, in fact, is not transmitted directly to man to man but only by the bite of an infected mosquito. Each year, given the large number of travelers in areas where the disease is prevalent, there are also cases in Emilia, among people returning from trips abroad. From the Usl company confirm that "at the time there are no other suspected cases nor even health alert".

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