Dengue cases in Florence, a mosquito transmits the virus, the ASL: "No alarms"


Another case of Dengue found is recorded in Italy, precisely in Florence. The ASL of the Tuscan capital intervened on this issue, pointing out that the story concerns a man who had recently been to a tropical country. The first provision by the health authorities saw the disinfestation of places, environments and areas frequented by the person [VIDEO]. Same villa Vogel at the end, remained closed for a whole day. The recommendation that, in these cases, the health authorities tend to give is to avoid an easy alarmism, and this time the ASL communications seem to go, rightly, in this direction, considering the risk that can trigger an unjustified psychosis . 19659003] The ASL specifies the methods of contagion and the reason for the disinfestation

The institution has had the opportunity to communicate that there is no risk of transmission or contagion. Dengue fever can be considered as a disease whose characteristics are very similar to those of the flu. The mode of transmission is configured by the perforation of certain types of mosquitoes, especially in subtropical areas. It can not spread between one person and another. Many therefore wondered what could be the reason for the disinfestation given the impossibility of transmission between human beings. This was a preventative measure because there was a theoretical risk that could have been the tiger mosquito . In this case, it is an animal species that, in recent years, has also found space in our ecosystem.

Dengue: an almost traditional influence

It is estimated that about 390 million cases similar to that of Florence occur in the world each year. The countries where the risk is highest are India [VIDEO] South Asia, South China, Taiwan, the Pacific Islands, the Caribbean (with the exception of Cuba and Cayman Islands), Mexico, Mexico. Africa and parts of South America. It is transmitted, as mentioned, through mosquito bite. The latter becomes infected when he punishes another person who has the virus Dengue in the blood. Dengue fever is characterized by high body temperatures, severe headache, dorsal pain, joint discomfort, nausea, vomiting and sometimes rash. Difficult, especially in the initial phase, do not think it's a traditional influence. It represents a pathological phenomenon that is only reasonably risky if they are subject to a weakened immune system that is likely to be affected.

In particular, those who are hit multiple times are more likely to develop the so-called "haemorrhagic fever." Dengue is diagnosed with a blood test using specific markers that, in all likelihood, a physician will decide to use when it becomes aware that the patient has recently stayed in a tropical country . There is no specific treatment under the pharmacological profile and no vaccine is available.

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