Dengue fever is frightening in Florence and disinfestation begins


Dengue is a tropical and subtropical viral disease transmitted by mosquitoes

The disease is caused indifferently by one of four dengue viruses, very similar to each other (DENV 1, DENV 2, DENV 3 and DENV 4). The man is infected with the virus by the bite of an infected mosquito.

In the Western Hemisphere, the mosquito Aedes aegypti is the main vector of dengue virus transmission, although in 2001 the mosquito Aedes albopictus Epidemic epidemic in Hawaii

Normally the disease causes fever on 5-6 days after the mosquito bite, with even very high temperatures. The fever is accompanied by acute headaches, pains around and behind the eyes, severe muscle and joint pain, nausea and vomiting, skin irritations that can appear on most of the body 3 -4 days after the onset of fever. Typical symptoms are often absent in children

However, the disease can also develop in the form of hemorrhagic fever with severe bleeding from different parts of the body that can cause a real collapse and, in rare cases, occur. prove fatal.

In recent years, it has posed a threat to more than 2.5 billion people in 100 countries and has seen an increase in the number of cases about 30 times in the last 50 years. The incubation period of dengue fever is similar for both clbadical dengue fever and severe dengue fever (5-7 days).

A diagnosis of dengue fever is made with the help of specific markers that are likely to be decided by a doctor. use when it becomes known that the patient has recently been to a tropical country. No specific treatment exists and no vaccine is available

The most at-risk countries are India, Southeast Asia, South China, Taiwan, the islands Pacific, the Caribbean (with the exception of Cuba and Cayman), Mexico, Africa and parts of South America.

But even our country is not risk-free: in fact, during these hours, a case of dengue fever is reported in Florence

The report arrived in the day at Ausl (public health and nutrition) : Dengue was contracted in a tropical country by a citizen living in Florence in District 4.

The service personnel The prevention of the health company was inspected to check the area where he remained the patient, and asked the city to carry out an urgent disinfestation, which will take place in the next hours. The Villa Vogel Park, which will remain closed to the public all day, is also included in the park.

The doctors immediately rebadured the citizens, explaining that the man had contracted the fever while he was abroad and that there was no risk of infection or transmission

Although there is no risk of contagion, it is still necessary to disinfestation since the tiger mosquito, also present in Italy for years, is one of those who can transmit type of fever

Recall that in the previous hours a case of dengue fever was diagnosed also in the historic center of Cesena. The confirmation, once the clinical tests were carried out, triggered here also, as a precautionary measure, the monitoring and control plan envisaged by the Emilia-Romagna Region in these cases.

Affected by a tropical infectious disease is a woman who lives in the historic center and recently returned from vacation in the tropical zone.

Cases of this type had already been recorded in Cesena, and immediate prophylaxis has proven to be the most effective tool to add in the summer period. , since the concentration of tiger mosquitoes reaches its peak, avoiding the stagnant water where mosquitoes can grow. In fact, mosquito larvae only develop in the presence of water, which is why the best treatment is preventive.

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