Department of Rivoli cardiology first in the treatment of angioplasty and infarction


  Department of Cardiology Rivoli first in the treatment of angioplasties and heart attacks "title =" Department of Rivoli cardiology first in the treatment of angioplasties and infarctions "/> 
<figcaption clbad= Department of cardiology Rivoli first in the treatment of angioplasties and heart attacks

Rivoli cardiology department is the first in Piedmont to prepare for the treatment of angioplasty and infarction!

Nearly 1,700 coronary interventions were performed on 2,841 total coronary interventions. These are the figures of the cardiology of Rivoli first department able to cope with angioplasty and infarction

Primo in Piemonte and second among the major urban centers, Rivoli Hospital (in a few kilometers from the Piedmontese capital), once again confirms excellence. [19659005] Dizzying numbers those of department of cardiology and hemodynamics of Rivoli carried out by Dr. Varbella .As mentioned at the beginning of the article, flies with 1679 performed coronary angioplasties, out of a total of 2841 total coronary interventions, 759 hospitalizations for cases of acute myocardial infarction.

Not only Rivoli but also Alexandria follows freewheeling hospital similar to that of Orbbadano (San Luigi). Santi Antonio, Biagio and Cesare Arrigo are in second position with 1065 angioplasties and 639 hospitalizations

Figures that could not go unnoticed and which made the hospital Rivoli one the first of Piedmont. . Dr. Varbella and his team are enthusiastic about the success. They will continue to do their job perfectly, indeed, this goal will lead them to do it even better and maintain the high standard.

Piedmont's health care continues to be one of the best in Italy: let's continue like this!



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