Diabetes, + 63% risk of illness for hard-working women – Diabetes


The risk of diabetes is much higher in women who do not save in life: according to a new Canadian study, women women working from 45 hours' to a week are at risk of developing diabetes' higher ' 63%. Compared to those who work the clbadic 35-40 hours.
The same badociation – between long hours at work and illness – was not found in men. The danger of contracting the disease in women has been linked to the intensity of employment, even after considering other possible risk factors.
Research conducted at the FRQS Quebec Research Center and at the Institute for Work & Health, Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences of the University of Toronto, monitored the health of 7,065 Canadian workers aged 35 to 74 for 12 years of age.
The volunteers were divided into four groups: those who worked 15-34 hours, 35-40, 41-44 hours and over 45. None of the participants had diabetes at the beginning of the year. Study, published in "BMJ Open Diabetes & Resercha Care".


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