Diego and Patrizio clarify their relationship with Ros


The events of the protagonists of the famous and beloved partenopea soap continue " A place in the sun ". In this last period, the intrigues of the soap kept the public in suspense, eager to know the identity of the murderer of Veronica Viscardi which has long aroused much curiosity among the faithful. Once the face of the author of the crime unveiled, Vera Viscardi the audience was catapulted into another dilemma: the return of Diego and the influence that it will be on the new relationship between Rossella and Patrizio

The return of Diego Giordano

In the last episodes aired we have witnessed with joy the return to the home of the commander of Giordano, Diego, after his extended stay in Milan following difficult operation undergone by the heart.

The boy left Naples not only to seek a new job because he made everyone believe, but especially to break the growing bond that joined him more and more to Rossella the daughter of his brother Patrick . Diego returned to Palazzo Palladini when the beautiful Graziani, disappointed by his prolonged silence, agreed to take a vacation with Patrick. The news of his return worried young Giordano, who, on the advice of his father, decided not to reveal anything to Rossella so as not to spoil their new rapprochement. At the news of the closeness of the couple Diego appeared disappointed and surprised confirming the thought of Raffaele still convinced that his feelings towards the girl were too strong

In the next episodes [VIDEO] we will see Patrick come back from vacation with the sound Ros who will have a tough confrontation with his brother at the end of which, however, will be convinced that his presence is no longer an obstacle to growth and the continuation of his renewed relationship. But everything will not go as planned, there will be an unexpected turn.

Francesco Vitiello soap revenue will not only have to do with the history of Patrizio-Rossella, but there will also be other important news that will concern him they will hold him again long time at Palazzo Palladini. He will find a new job and will become the protagonist of new dynamics that will involve him in the first person

So it is only to follow closely the next episodes to discover what will be the fate of this beloved character public.

verified with:

  • https://www.tvsoap.it/2018/07/un-posto-al-sole-anticipazioni-diego-novita/
  • https://www.tvsoap.it/2018/07/un- after-sun-anticipations-plots-episodes-from July 30 to August 3, 2018 /

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