Diet 16: 8 Lose Weight With Intermittent Fasting


To lose weight and improve the health of our body, intermittent fasting can be the key to success, according to the authors of the research, published in the June 2018 issue of Nutrition and Healthy Aging ] Who claim that their results support previously acquired data related to time-limited consumption can improve health markers in various ways

Contrary to previous research, the study focused specifically on obese participants, 23 people, who averaged around 45 and a body mbad index (BMI) of 35, for 12 weeks, participants were asked to eat everything they wanted, but only between 10:00 and 18:00. Outside of these hours, it has been said to consume only water or non-calorie beverages such as black tea or coffee. The diet calls itself " 16: 8 " and refers to the number of hours of fasting compared to the number of hours that one eats.

" The most surprising result that we detected is Even though we told them that they could eat what they wanted, they had a natural caloric limit of about 350 calories a day [rispetto al gruppo di controllo] "explains one of the study's lead authors, Kelsey Gabel, RD, PhD., University of Illinois at Chicago. In other words, even though researchers did not tell diet 16: 8 participants to limit their caloric intake, they averaged about 350 fewer calories per day just by limiting the amount of time

Participants also lost 3% of their body weight and had a 7% decrease in systolic blood pressure, plus body fat, insulin resistance and cholesterol were also measured but these markers they did not vary between diet group 16: 8 and the control group

" I think the [16: 8] diet is something that people can do in the long run ," says Gabel. : " When people stopped eating all day, I think they became more in tune with their signs of food and hunger, and they stopped eating when they had not been eating. not hungry ".

Another study, published May 10, 2018 in the review " Cell Metabolism" revealed that early feeding limited time reduces the desire to eat at night and can also improve health , even though the

There are contraindications to the 16: 8 diet

  Diet 16-8 lose weight with intermittent fasting

Ali Miller, RD , CDE, an expert dietician who did not participate in the study but who uses the diet (in a different time window, from 12:00 to 20:00), agrees with Gabel that 16: 8 is more than a lifestyle change in a temporary diet, but warns that some people who are considering this lifestyle should proceed with caution.

" If someone follows a very high carb diet approaching the 16: 8 diet, he will have higher insulin levels, q he will likely be a candidate for hypoglycemia. "explains Miller." The same goes for diabetics and people taking diuretic drugs . "

The 16: 8 approach is not necessarily not allowed for this type of person, confirms Miller, but recommends working with a health worker for medical surveillance to reduce drugs and maintain lifestyle.

Although the results of current studies are promising, especially for people who hope to lose weight or lower their blood pressure without counting calories, it is important to be aware of the size of the sample used for the studies, still relatively low.Another limitation of this search is that the consumption of food by the subjects and scrupulously following the guidelines for a given period of time, was " self-declared ", which means that the calorie deficit noted in the document could also be inaccurate.

In the future, Gabel wants to further explore the optimal time frame for the diet window, people are more resistant to insulin during the day, so it intrigues to know whether or not they are safe. it may be more advantageous to bring such a "window" at the time of awakening, it is also interesting to know if, if the "window" decreases, patients lose more weight, or follow may -being less diet

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