Diet, metabolism for weight loss: that's how it works


The metabolic diet can make you lose about 2 pounds in three days. The menu of the day is varied and simple. During the diet, you must drink at least 8 glbades of water a day and have dinner at 9 pm, before going to bed, you must drink a draining herbal tea.

But let's see what proposes the three-day menu. Monday: Breakfast with herbal tea, two rusks with jam or honey and a coffee without sugar. Snack: a juice or two slices of pineapple. Lunch: 60 grams of rice with vegetables and an apple. Snack: a low fat yogurt. Dinner: a soup of cereals and legumes. Tuesday: breakfast with jam or honey bread, herbal tea, coffee or green tea without sugar. Snack: an orange juice squeezed without sugar. Lunch: vegetable pie and potatoes with vegetables and a fruit. Snack: two slices of pineapple. Dinner: 60 grams of pasta or rice with vegetables

Wednesday: cereal flakes, coffee or green tea without sugar, soy milk, herbal tea. Snack: a low fat yogurt. Lunch: soy cheese and salad. Snack: an orange juice without sugar. Dinner: a portion of pasta with vegetables. As we always do in all diets published on our site, we recommend that you consult your family doctor or specialist before starting any diet. This diet is not suitable for people with diabetes, other diseases and pregnant women.

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