Diet of metabolic revolution: it's like that that it works


Dr. Pomroy's metabolic revolution regime can cause you to lose weight quickly in a matter of days. To work, we must follow the rules, see which ones. Every day you must drink at least 2 liters of water and you must eat in half an hour and wake up every 2-4 hours

Let's see what the typical model of One day provides. Breakfast with cereal and fruit salad. Snack: two slices of pineapple or a slice of watermelon. Lunch: a brown rice piadina filled with cannellini, tomatoes and cucumbers and a fruit. Snack: a fruit salad. Dinner: Gluten-free fusilli with chicken sausage, broccoli and zucchini. During the diet, all alcoholic, carbonated and sweetened beverages must be avoided. In addition, no candy is provided. As we always do in all diets published on our site, we recommend that you consult your doctor or specialist before starting any diet.

This diet is not suitable for people with diabetes, other diseases and pregnant women.

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