Digital Patient Health Award: For the first time, patients reward digital innovation


People with melanoma ( A.IMA.ME ), with endocrine tumors ( AINET ), with chronic intestinal diseases ( AMIS Lazio FRIENDS ONLUS ), with ovarian cancer ( ACTO ), with diabetes ( AGD Italy ; FEDERDIABETE Lazio ; DIABETE ITALIA FAND ), with asthma and allergic diseases ( ALAMA FEDERASMA ), with rheumatic diseases ( ANMAR AMRER Emilia Romagna ), with AIDS ( ANLAIDS ONLUS ), with rheumatology and rare diseases ( APMAR ), with hepatitis C ( EPAC ), with problems of infertility and the need to protect fertility ( HERA . GEMME DORMIENTI ), with urothelial neoplasms ( PA LINURO ), with bad cancer ([1 9459003] MEETS A WOMAN ; WOMAN HEALTH ), seropositive ( NPS ; PLUS ), with Duchenne syndrome ( DUCHENNE PARENT PROJECT ), with cancer stomach ( LIVING WITHOUT STOMACH ), with lung cancer ( WALCE ). Citizen Associations ( CITIZENSHIP ) and Volunteers ( FAVO ; SOCCORSO CLOWN EUPATI ).

Different diseases, different needs, different organizations, different paths. In common a great confidence in the positive potential of the digital transformation of health and a great desire to be protagonists.

For the first time in Italy and suspected also in Europe, 30 patient badociations reward numerical innovation with the first edition of PDHA Patients & # 39; Digital Health Awards conceived and organized with the Digital Health Academy with the unconditional contribution of Foundation MSD . In the jury with the badociations, I too and Antonietta Pannella of the Digital Health Academy, Domenica Taruscio of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and Guendalina Graffigna of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart

The Digital Disturbance acquires value and meaning in health that s & It changes people's lives concretely and daily. For this reason, it is important that, through the award, there be so many patient badociations to make a Scouting and a ranking of the proposals for digital innovation that are spreading in Italy, although still very weak compared to expectations. Indeed, there is no resistance to change on the part of patients, but only the need for ideas and projects. With the award, a first budget will be possible

announcement was designed to reward the design and implementation of digital health projects that, from a patient's perspective, can help improve the quality of life of those who live the illness in the first person and the caregivers and also to facilitate the process of care. For the first time, patients are the real protagonists of all phases of the project: from the identification of needs to the drafting of the announcement, through the choice of evaluation criteria and the Identification of the laureates. The project started from the survey of unmet needs through an online questionnaire " Digital Health Servicing Patients ", administered by the Associations involved at its members: about 800 responses to patients' views on the opportunities offered – concretely or potentially – by digital technologies applied to the world of health

The results of the questionnaire formed the starting point for the drafting of the 39; ad. Indeed, they were badyzed and discussed by representatives of patient badociations with experts of the Digital Academy of Health on June 28 in Rome to define the objectives, targets and criteria for evaluation of the price. (here the video report). announcement of competition is applicable from today until 25 September 2018 . Two categories will be attributed: 1) solution conceived and conceived but which has not yet been realized or applied in reality; 2) Technological solution already developed, tested or used

Citizens, start-ups, public and private organizations operating in the field of scientific research and health, scientific foundations, public or private universities, computer companies and services can compete for the competition by presenting their projects. The vote will run online through a dedicated platform on the site to arrive at the identification of a short list to be discussed at the time of the meeting. 39, a meeting scheduled to close the call, until to arrive at the official award ceremony by the Associations.

"We firmly believe in this project – declares Goffredo Freddi Director of the MSD Foundation .This is a new stage of our Academy of Patients which renews, for the eighth consecutive year, the MSD Foundation's commitment to patient badociations to strengthen its innovative and strategic potential in the healthcare system, a distinctive project not only for the value and relevance of the theme, but above all because It is fueled by the expertise and enthusiasm of all major badociations. "

" We must never forget – stresses Nicoletta Luppi, President and CEO MSD Italia – that medicine is for people, not for profit After many years, this phrase uttered by George Merck in 1950 is still an integral part of our DNA, our continuous inspiration and our valeu r authentic distinctive. Also and especially when we talk about new technologies. We are therefore proud that the MSD Foundation supports a project of direct involvement of patients 'and individuals' badociations, fully recognizing the value of the ongoing digital transformation. A transformation that is born and returns to the People, putting them in the center. "

The results of the survey confirm the numerical enthusiasm of the patients and bring out interesting indications. Meanwhile, research" Digital Health at the service of patients "was a great success: in total, they collected the spontaneous invitation to participate in about 800 people.An image of great interest for the issue of digital health emerges and an attitude of d & # 39; openness to the possibilities offered by new technologies to improve the quality of life of patients More than half of respondents (54%) are already using digital technologies for health (applications, online resources) And a 40% is very favorable to the technologies, indicating as an answer: " I do not use them, but I would like to use them ". positively positively in a digital future of their journey. The relationship with the doctor is always centered on the visit to the clinic. Indeed, the use of telerehabilitation is very limited (79% have never used it) and medical consultations online (46% have never used them). However, we are also interested in new methods of distance relations, even if they do not have priority over other activities. For patients, digitalis can greatly facilitate: the management of health services ("very interested" 68%), access to information on therapies (56%), improved lifestyle (56% ), access and retention of their clinical documents (55%). 75% finally, would use the digital wearable I like bracelets and smartwatches to monitor their values ​​(14% already). 62% believe that digital technologies can be useful for managing the psychological aspects of the disease. The survey also shows direction for future projects: 61% would prefer integrated digital solutions, compared to a proliferation of instruments and applications that are not well connected . The participation in the prize gives start-ups and health organizations a significant opportunity to reflect on their digital capacity and relevance, evaluated by those who can maximize value and benefit from it.


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