DIGNITY DECREE / Young exploited, a "social tragedy". Di Maio against abuse



Abuse, is the most repeated word in 'morning interview in Agorà sur Rai 3 by the Minister of Labor and Economic Development, Luigi Di Maio (strong of being managed to obtain an additional restriction against the gambling lobby in favor of the health of the citizens and the economy for those who have already signed advertising contracts before the promulgation of the DL Dignity). Young people know the world of work which, according to the minister, has so far gone through a real "social tragedy"

But how did you get to this level? And how to stop employers "profiteers"? " Who does not abuse the term contracts and does not exploit the boys have nothing to fear from the dignity of the decree (so if the danger is the litigation he is calm because Minister Bonafede has the plan to strengthen the courts), which is built to prevent a young man for years is kept on the grill with contracts of a few months ". Luigi Di Maio explained that he had promised a reduction in the cost of labor. The reduction will be presented with the finance law. The lowering of the cost of selective labor will therefore concern all companies with a growth margin. In this way, the focus is on the incentives

Then he reaffirms the commitment of the Italians to reduce the pensions of gold The will and the promise is to incardinate a design by law in the Senate and to approve of it by the summer

All interventions concerning the weaker groups, ie those – Di Maio – mbadacred by the left

tried Carlo Calenda to answer him, via twitter: the #decretodignita will have two effects: decrease employment everywhere and investments in the South (and reindustrializations). It's the politics of slogans, not the government of reality. It is at work / growth that to stop an NGO ship, it is to manage immigration. Bad start. "Di Maio's answer? Italians have already responded to Calenda on March 4.

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