Disappointment for fans of El Tri in San Jose


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They woke up before dawn, called late to work, dressed in red garden chairs , white and green a football stadium asleep before 7 am to watch their team on the other side of the planet on Monday morning.

It did not matter that the United States did not "receive" football – or that the Americans did not even qualify for this year's World Cup in Russia. The fans of El Tri – Mexico's beloved national soccer team – have crammed themselves into the Avaya stadium, bringing their pbadion for a sport and a game that the rest of the world is living and dying every four years.

The United States will face this year's World Cup – repelling the defending champion, Germany, and then desperately rooted for South Korea do the same, so that Mexico can qualify for the tournament. Late Monday, in a 2-0 defeat against Central Brazil.

  Football fans from Mexico arrive at the World Cup party at Avaya Stadium in San Jose, California on Monday, July 2, 2018. (Karl Mondon / Bay Area News Group
Mexico's fans arrive at the World Cup party at Avaya Stadium in San Jose, California, Monday, July 2, 2018. (Karl Mondon / Bay Area News Group)

"Different World Cup, even Mexico," said Jaime Avila, 39, who took the day off to join 7500 mostly M Exico fans at the Monday watch feast

They are experiencing disappointment this time of the tournament.Lisday's defeat was the seventh consecutive time that El Tri was eliminated before reaching the fifth elusive match of the World Cup, or "quinto partido".

Ricardo Arce and Abel Gaspar, who worked together as machinists in Campbell, had come " Today, it's crazy, it's so packed "said Gaspar, wearing a green-white-red jersey and wig.

The hopes of the World Cup came a day after the presidential election in Mexico, won by Andrés Manuel López Obrador and his young left-wing party, Morena, who promises to end the corruption, the violence and start a new chapter in Mexico's political life. On both sides of football and politics, Gaspar appeared cautiously optimistic

  Israel Santiago and Jeanette Moran support Mexico at the World Cup party at Avaya Stadium in San Jose, California, Monday, July 2, 2018. ( Karl Mondon / Bay Area News Group)
Israel Santiago and Jeanette Moran support Mexico at the World Cup party at Avaya Stadium in San Jose, California on Monday, July 2, 2018. (Karl Mondon / Bay Area News Group ) [19659007"Lespoliticiensfontdenombreusespromessesmaisunjourquelqu'unviendradansvotrebureauavecunevalisepleined'argentouunevalisepleinedeplombetvousdevezchoisir"adéclaréGasparquiestvenuauxÉtats-Unisà19ansdel'étatdeMichoacánetsesouvientvivementdesproblèmesquiontmarquésonpaysetsarégionIlsesouvientavoirététémoindelacorruptiondepremièremainLespromessesvontetviennentmaislevraichangementresteencoreàvoirauMexique

Monday's game, however, offered an opportunity imm diate in Mexico to break with the status quo in what would have been a historic victory against the five … "I think we can do it," Gaspar said, even after Brazil took a 1-0 lead . "We just have to tell ourselves that Brazil is just another team."

  Mexican football fans arrive at the World Cup party at the Avaya Stadium in San Jose, California, Monday, July 2, 2018. (Karl Mondon / Bay Area News Group)
Mexican football fans arrive at the World Cup party at the Avaya Stadium in San Jose, California on Monday, July 2, 2018. (Karl Mondon / Bay Area News Group)

Lt. Eddy Pedreira, of the San Jose Police Department, was on duty at the stadium, quietly cheering Mexico after his favorite, Argentina, was eliminated.

"A victory for Mexico would be so great for this community," he said. an eye on the game and the other on the overflowing crowd overflowing the lawn and into the stands of the stadium. "These events are great because they bring out all the horizons of life."

Many fans woke up at dawn and filed into the stadium in costume, with the names Chicharito and Layùn on the back, and the Mexican flag painted on

Cipriano Ramirez, 46, was brought all his family

His eyes were riveted to the screen, hoping for a goal in the second half, while his hands were at the back of his brother's wheelchair. His brother had recently suffered a stroke. Nevertheless, the two brothers were at the stadium this morning with their children and Ramirez's wife, decked out in the colors of El Tri.

"I had to postpone my brother's medical appointment to do it today," Ramirez said. "It's a good distraction from personal life.Here we can enjoy the game and root Mexico together."

  Mexican fans watch their team face Brazil in a round of 16 to a World Cup party at Avaya Stadium in San Jose, California on Monday, July 2, 2018. (Karl Mondon / Bay Area News Group)
Mexican fans watch their team face Brazil at a World Cup round of 16 on the occasion of a World Cup party at Avaya Stadium in San Jose, California, Monday, July 2, 2018. (Karl Mondon / Bay Area News Group)

Despite the defeat, El Tri fans have vowed to continue their dedication to a team that can not go beyond the fourth game.

"We still love them, we will always love them," said Avila. take a little time before Mexican fans can again enjoy such a series at the World Cup. Many of Mexico's players are older, and some, like Rafael Marquez, have now seen their fifth World Cup.

Decorated in a hat and a Mexican jersey, Juan Gutierrez, 43, said that he thought it might take a few years the players retire and the Mexican team is restocking with stars younger. It was "today or never," said Gutierrez.

After the match, it will be early enough for many discouraged fans to continue to Mountain View or Oakland for work. But many of them became ill.

"I call ill all week," jokes Jessica Robles, 20, who works at Sprint. "I'm sick at the stomach right now."

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