Does pregnancy make you fat in the long run? No!


Does pregnancy make you fat? That does not seem right. It is not true that during pregnancy, the expectant mother must eat two, as we have already said. Equally false is the belief that pregnancy is a cause of long-term weight gain. A new study from the University of Canberra, Australia, suggests that the likely weight gain factors are unemployment and depression

No difference between mothers and non

The study closely of 15 thousand women badyzed the body mbad index (BMI) before and after pregnancy and compared caesarean delivery rates, gestational diabetes, blood pressure disorders, and health problems neonatal. Women who have had children have not gained weight over the years to a degree different from those who did not become mothers.

Increase only in nine months

It is normal to observe moderate weight gain during pregnancy, but according to researchers, women do not need to double the calories when they are pregnant. they are pregnant, they only need about 300 more calories. They should focus not so much on the volume of food, but on the choice of healthy and nutritious foods . Pregnancy only makes you fatter if you really exaggerate at the table.

Physical Activity Helps

During the 15-year study period, it appeared that most women were gaining weight, but the difference between those who had children and those who have not been insignificant. The study examined other factors affecting weight gain and noted that university education and high levels of exercise are indicators of lower weight gains.

An Eye on Depression and Unemployment

Instead, a link between depression and weight gain was observed, but the study does not conclude which factor is the cause of the other. A link between unemployment and weight gain has also emerged. This is not so much a question of income, but if the person does not have paid employment, he is more likely to suffer from greater weight gain, the researchers conclude. .

To know

During pregnancy, the ideal weight gain is about one kilogram a month at the first quarter, 1,200 grams in the second and 1,500 in the third, with an overall increase of about 11 kilos.

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