Does talc hurt? And who uses it for the baby's ass? The answers of the expert


After the last verdict against Johnson & Johnson, sentenced to pay a maximum compensation of $ 4.7 billion because his talc was linked to the appearance of ovarian cancer in 22 women, the phobia for this popular "white powder" so much loved by our grandmothers.

In fact, the use of talc is known since ancient times. It is a mineral, precisely a magnesium silicate, very common on Earth. Women, children and even men have been using it for years.

However, in recent years, there are many doubts about his safety, some justified and others not. Let's try to clarify the risks and benefits.

Should all women who use or have used talc be worried about cancer?

"Absolutely not," says Gynecologist Claudio Giorlandino, General Director of the Italian College of Fetal Maternal Medicine. "It has only been supposed – he explains – that the daily use in women is linked to an increase in endometrial cancer. But never has his responsibility been demonstrated on the ovarian carcinoma ".

The US court's decision is therefore not based on precise data. "The documentation is ample and very controversial, but the magistrates considered it valid to compensate", explains the expert. It does not mean that we have to worry. "With regard to endometrial cancer, the daily use of talc in the private parts, especially in obese women at risk of endometrial cancer, is certainly not recommended, "adds Giorlandino.

What are the real dangers of using talc?

"The risk is mostly by inhalation," says the expert. "Talc which is a mineral of secondary origin is already present in nature in eruptive rocks and can certainly contain small amounts of hazardous substances such as quartz or asbestos," he adds. . Talc can therefore create problems for the respiratory tract, especially the small and delicate of children.

"We know that among the minerals that are contained in infinitesimal quantities, in talc, there is asbestos which, used daily in particularly predisposed subjects, determines the risks to the lungs and the development of 39, a very aggressive tumor of the pleura than mesothelioma, "confirms Giorlandino.

Are there safe alternatives for children?

In reality, just a little forethought: by limiting the use, use it in small doses and sprinkle it first on the palm of the hand then spreading it on the skin. But to avoid accidental inhalation, liquid talc has been invented, an emulsion having the same absorbing properties, that is to say those that have led many mothers to often use the "white powder" after have changed the diaper or bath.

Alternatively, powders of plant origin can be used, such as rice starch, oats or cornstarch, which is always better not to inhale.

What are the benefits of talc in children?

"Talc, especially when it is badociated with boric acid, is an excellent anti-inflammatory and soothing against skin irritation," says the expert. "It's good, though, that you do not use it where your skin is stained," he adds. It is better then to use it, according to Giorlandino, in small amounts and essentially in the most rub-prone parts.

What are the benefits of talc for adults, women, and men?

Its advantages stem from its strong absorption power. So it is very good to use it before epilation because it is better to adhere the wax and makes the tear less painful.

Or it's a good alternative to dry shampoo, to absorb the excess of sebum from someone with oily hair and delay washing the hair for a few days.

Finally, it can be used to scent the skin after a bath or shower. But it is advisable to avoid using it to deodorize the underarms as it has no bactericidal power and, therefore, effectiveness on bad odor.

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