Dogman Stravins by Matteo Garrone


The Argento Nastri annual award of the Italian National Union of Film Journalists, was awarded to Taormina. To triumph, with 8 awards, it was Dogman of Matteo Garrone followed by Loro of Paolo Sorrentino who received 6 ribbons. There are 3 prices for Like a cat in the Tangenziale by Riccardo Milani .

Silver ribbons had already been delivered to Rome at the party held in Maxxi at the end of May to celebrate the candidates. On this occasion, they received technical silver ribbons (Best Photography, Best Filmography, Best Costumes, Best Editing and Best Direct Sound) and Special Silver Ribbons including the Nastro alla Carriera Gigi Proietti
Here are the winners of the remaining categories:

Best film
Dogman Matteo Garrone

] Best Director
Matteo Garrone Dogman

Best Director Beginning
Fabio D 'Innocenzo and Damiano D'Innocenzo ( The country of the fair )

Best comedy
Like a cat in the Tangenziale () ] Riccardo Milani )

Best Subject
[194590] 04] Luciano Ligabue – Made in Italy

Best Screenplay
Paolo Sorrentino, Umberto Contarello – Loro

Best Producer [19659003] ARCHIMEDE and RAI CINEMA ( Matteo Garrone and Paolo Del Brocco ) – Dogman

Best Actor Protagonist
Marcello Cast and Edoardo Pesce Dogman

Best protagonist of an actress
Elena Sofia Ricci They [19659002] Best Second Framing
Riccardo Scamarcio

Best Actress in a Supporting Role
Kasia Smutniak They

Comedian Meil their Comedian 2018
Antonio Albanese Like a cat in Tangenziale

Best Actress Comedy 2018
Paola Cortellesi Like a cat in the Tangenziale

Best BO [19659003] Pivio and Aldo De Scalzi Liriche di Nelson ] Ammore and Malavita

Best Original Song
] Bang Bang – Music of Pivio and Aldo De Scalzi Liriche di Nelson – Interpreted by Serena Rossi Franco Ricciardi Giampaolo Morelli Ammore and Malavita

Also awarded Claudia Gerini who received the ] Nino Manfredi Prize and Mbadimo Ghini [1 9459005] who received an award for his first 40 years of career. The Ribbon of Legality in Before the Night and Born in Casal di Principe the Guglielmo Biraghi Awards for Beginners of the Year at Euridice Axen for Loro a Guglielmo Poggi for Il Tuttofare and Announcement Andrea Lattanzi for Manuel the Graziella Bonacchi Award 2018 at Luigi Fedele for Enough . The scenario of Nastro of Argento SIAE for young writers of Damiano and Fabio of Innocenzo for The Country of Adequacy the Silver Ribbon also deserves to be mentioned. Hamilton behind the camera at Luciano Ligabue for Made in Italy the Persol silver ribbon for the year character at Edoardo Leo for Smetto when I want: Ad Honorem and I have and the Wella Silver Ribbon for the image at Elena Sofia Ricci for They . [19659002] Here are all the cabellets with the 2018 Silver Ribbons

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