Dolphins say all the options on the table for the protest anthem | Bleacher's report


<img clbad = "lazy lazyImage lazy" itemprop = "contentUrl" src = " h = 53 & w = 80 & q = 70 & crop_x = center & crop_y = top "width =" 800 "height =" 533 "alt =" Phillips Jordan (97) of Miami Dolphins stands during the national anthem, but supports the protest by posing an arm on the shoulder of his teammate, Kenny Stills (10), Michael Thomas (31) and Julius Thomas (89) before an NFL football game against the Carolina Panthers in Charlotte, NC, Monday, November 13, 2017 The Panthers won 45-21 Bob Leverone / Associated Press

The Miami Dolphins could take action that would prevent their players from protesting during the national anthem.

Per Rob Maaddi of the United States. Associated Press, the team provided an orientation document to its players this week, stating that they might be subject to fines and penalties. / or a suspension of up to four games if they participated in pre-match events this season.

According to Jeff Darlington of ESPN, the Dolphins submitted a NFL discipline schedule, as required by the league's regulations, but have not yet finalized the measures official discipline for players who might protest during the national anthem.

Darlington adds that the Dolphins have "no intention" to suspend a four-game player for protesting, and they still do not know if or how they will handle the discipline.

"We are going to tackle it once the season has started and all options are still on the table," said the Dolphins, via Adam H. Beasley of the Miami Herald .

The owner of the dolphins, Stephen Ross, was categorical about the players on his team who stood during the national anthem.

"All of our players will stand," said Ross Christian Red of New York Daily News . [19659004AccordingtoMaaddilapoliticintitled" Correct Conduct of the Anthem" is part of a "nine-page disciplinary document" which includes a list of "conduct prejudicial to the club" which includes protests during the 39; anthem.

The NFL adopted a new policy in March that states that all players and league personnel on the field must be standing when the national anthem is played.

Players and league staff have the option of staying in the locker room if they do not want to stay upright. If players protest on the sidelines, the team is subject to fines from the league and teams have the option to fine players.

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