Domodossola migrants vaccinated separately by citizens?


Perhaps a provocation, many argue, it is certain that the current period is characterized by very strong tensions, where integration and civil cohabitation are again words aberrated by many.

The story is simple: the mayor of the Piedmontese town Domodossola, argues for his request not to vaccinate children in the same room of migrants.

Pizzi made the request public via a post on Facebook. " I am alarmed – we read – that in the same room there are migrant migrants seeking international protection and very young children, but unfortunately we know that migrants do not have to be in the same room. They do not have an anamnesis that can exclude situations of danger for the community, because they are often carriers of contagious diseases.The situation is all the more worrying as the very young children who are in close contact with them. migrants have not yet completed the compulsory vaccination cycle ".

" I therefore ask you to rebadure me about all the above, hoping that what is reported does not correspond to reality – the text of the letter pbades to the director general of the ASL -. Otherwise, I consider that it is essential that we do otherwise, by organizing the service in such a way as to avoid such situations and to guarantee first the protection of our children and their children. our families . "

And this is not even The first time that Pizzi finds himself at the center of the controversy over issues concerning migrants. Pizzi, in 2017, had indeed written to the Prefect of Verbania to invoke a " curfew " for the refugees present in the city, with the return by 20 in the reception area.

And also this time, contacted by phone from, the mayor does not mitigate the controversy and even said that his city would have welcomed with open arms "a Syrian family, mom, dad and two children", but "if you get here with the buses and get 100 coachbuilders" I think people are also right to worry a little bit. "

An" absurd "position for the Piedmont region, which accuses the first citizen of wanting to" recreate situations in Italy from apartheid. "19659002]" In another historic moment we were not able to " would not have given weight to his delirious words – thunder against the mayor the immigration advisor and the rights of the Piedmont region, Monica Cerutti – but given the climate we breathe in the country we believe It is important to remember that even an Italian could carry infectious diseases, perhaps contracted after a good trip abroad. To think that the health of children is threatened by migrants is simply ridiculous. "

For the Piedmontese Health Advisor, Antonio Saitta, Coordinator of the Health Committee of the Conference of the Regions" It is unpleasant to see how health problems often become the object of political exploitation that feed a climate of perpetual confusion and misinformation. The right to health – he concludes – should be guaranteed to all without discrimination.

The population of Domodossola, on the contrary, is very divided, as shown by the comments on social media.

Among the comments on the proposal, on Facebook In fact, few are those who applaud the initiative. "I accompanied my son last year and I was delighted," wrote a domese among many compliments. "Bravissimo mayor", "excellent demand", "I am in perfect agreement" reads the mayor's social page in the middle of the "shame" of those who criticize him

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