Drugs for potentially dangerous hypertension Health takes care – Chronicle


the case

In some pharmacies in the city, signs have appeared inviting some users to contact their family doctor. The reason is mentioned in the publication of the Agency of Medicines (AIFA) which lists the 764 batches of drugs prescribed for the treatment of hypertension, but also recommended for those who suffer from heart failure and those who have suffered myocardial infarction, pharmaceutical companies and removed sales counters in the last days after a health risk warning.

Quality Defect

AIFA published its despatch on July 5 and updated it on Tuesday, July 10, indicating the active ingredient that unites drugs that are no longer marketed ( valsartan) and the reason for intervention: "A defect of quality was found, so as a precaution AIFA and other European agencies ordered the immediate withdrawal of pharmacies and the distribution chain of all the parcels concerned ".

Specifically, it is specified, which is impurity found in the active ingredient produced by the factory of Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceuticals, on Chuannan, Duqiao, Linai, China, to have alarmed the supervisory authority and that "it is currently evident that the impurity is present only in the products manufactured on the site mentioned".

The substance detected, which should be absent from the drug's composition, is N-nitrosodimethylamine (Ndma), "clbadified as a substance probably carcinogenic for humans".

The AIFA note invites patients undergoing treatment "with drugs valsartan" to check "if the medication they're taking is on the list of medications involved in preventive withdrawal".

Contacting the General Practitioner

In the city and province, family physicians and pharmacies have already started answering questions and doubts about the users involved. The Afm (the municipal administration which controls the public pharmacies) invites patients, in case of doubt, to contact the general practitioner. At the point of distribution of the pharmacy n. 1 a specific warning sign also appeared. "We have received requests for clarification from users but we have also contacted people who have bought the drugs withdrawn from the market since the beginning of the month, always in possession of the recipe – they specify in the pharmacy of Corso Porta Mare – The patient always using a product belonging to the batches listed by the AIFA should contact your doctor to ask what product and how to replace the medication you have at home.

Bruno Di Lascio, President of the College of Physicians, adds that "the family doctor may not know who has bought the lots of drugs that are currently prohibited for prescription and sale. Patient can view the list published by the AIFA and, if the product is among those indicated, can get the change of prescription.Many badistants have contacted me in recent days to get clarification on how to behave "

Th. Ca.


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