Drugs used as drugs to work and study more: also in Europe


The use of drugs doping known in the industry as smart drug also landed in Europe after the boom sales to in recent years, particularly in the United States. They are doping substances that can contribute, in a strong and targeted way, to improve their performances at the workplace and at the study.

Doping drugs used to improve their performance: what is it?

"smart drug [VIDEO]" are next-generation drugs, able to boost those who use them and in particular to accelerate and improve their performance in different areas.

This is a new trend, born a few years ago in America and which, according to the case studies, would spread very quickly also in Europe. We speak, in practice, of drugs able to intervene on the brain and on the increase of its activity and its consequent productivity both in the school environment and in the the workplace. The rapid and effortless realization of these so-called "modern drugs" is the prerogative of these "modern drugs" which, according to a recent study, would seriously compromise the normal lifestyle and health of their habitual consumers. There is talk of an increase in their use of 9 percent in two years, with a statistically higher response, especially recorded in Europe

Smart drug: the results of the study

L & # A study on this type of drug, conducted by the University of California, was published in the journal "International Journal of Drug Policy".

Research has examined some drugs, originally born as stimulants, formulated to treat various types of neurological disorders such as those related to attention deficit, hyperactivity and mood disorders. sleep. The intake of these substances, as shown by the results of the study [VIDEO] indicates a cognitive improvement in healthy subjects. However, it seems to be their way of life and the potential consequences for their health of suffering the negative consequences. In fact, this type of drug interferes negatively with the normal chemistry of the brain, exposing it to serious risks of dependence over time and problems related to the cardiovascular system. The problem in Europe is extremely important, but in Italy the data on this subject are still rare and the phenomenon is not yet very detailed. At the root of the problem we perceive the common discomfort, imposed by the rhythms of modern life, which leads us to be more and more demanding and maybe our body is not designed to require, always and by force, more.

verified with:

  • https://www.corriere.it/salute/neuroscienze/18_luglio_09/farmaci-come-droga-work-studiare-boom-anche-europa-5b45895a-835e-11e8-b0f1-5852deebaad6.shtml
  • https : //www.leggo.it/italia/cronache/smart_drug_farmaci_dopanti_lavoro_10_luglio_2018-3846435.html; http://www.tgcom24.mediaset.it/salute/farmaci-come-droga-per-lavoro-o-studio-boom-in-ue-e-allarme_3150802-201802a.shtml

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