Dying for a food allergy: exception or real risk?


  die for a food allergy

In Tuscany, a 24-year-old girl died of anaphylactic shock after a dinner at the restaurant. He had a rare allergy to eggs, milk and by-products

An allergic reaction serious enough to lead to anaphylactic shock (so they say the first results) killed a 24-year-old girl in Pisano. It happened in a restaurant that the young woman, named Chiara, frequented often and was very attentive to her allergy to eggs, milk and derivatives ( rare in adulthood ) . But is it really possible to die for a food allergy, elsewhere in a "friendly" and attentive place?

The risk

"In some cases there is enough exposure to a very low dose of allergen to trigger a reaction – explains Mona-Rita Yacoub allergist of the IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital in Milan. – All allergic patients do not run the risk of serious reactions. However, it is not possible to predict who is at risk and who is not. We must treat everyone the same way, with the advice not to ingest a specific amount of food. "

The" Rescue Kit "

Who is experiencing a serious reaction for the first time, is educated and provided with an emergency kit with cortisone and lumbar spine. Adrenaline .The risk of contamination can be present everywhere, especially when you go out in public places such as bars and restaurants. " The auto-injector Adrenaline should only be used when the reaction is systemic, that is, there are symptoms badociated with it in various devices. In the case of the Tuscan girl this was not the case, but it is a rare event . "The problem is who is undergoing a serious reaction to In these cases, at the first symptoms we must immediately call 118 . While waiting for help, a defibrillator may be useful

Symptoms of Anaphylactic Shock

What symptoms are we talking about? "Initially cutaneous, respiratory, sometimes even gastrointestinal, then itching also at the level of the soles of the hands and feet, shortness of breath and in severe cases fainting due to the decline significant pressure – the expert continues. – Adrenaline blocks the progression of the reaction by avoiding anaphylactic shock, heard as the fall of blood pressure to the point of endangering the life of the person. "

Hospital controls

adrenaline, everything must always go to the hospital to make other checks and appropriate therapies consider that such reactions can be biphasic, that is to say a first manifestation a few minutes after the exposure to the allergen and then resumed after a few hours . the patient should be monitored for at least the next 12 hours. "

Help from friends or relatives

If the patient is unable to inject himself, those who surround it must act immediately. "The first step – he concludes – is to put the patient lying with his legs in the air to encourage the return of blood to the heart. The second is to take the # 39, adrenaline injector of the car – if it is a patient who already has it – and to proceed to the intramuscular injection on the thigh.Finally, calls 118 and goes to the hospital. "


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