Editorials, Rolling Stone vs. Salvini, Brothers of Italy: "When the Opposition Disappears"


When the Opposition Disappears: The Italian Secretary of the Brothers of Italy, Antonio Mazzotta, on the Recent Position of Rolling Stone Magazine

"From the Chase to the Black to Become" the Man black "of so many childish nightmares, the pbadage is short! Thus, the Minister Matteo Salvini continues to be the object of the attacks and the excommunication of some newspapers and magazines.

The appeal launched by Rolling Stone magazine "we are not with Salvini, who is silent accomplice", has joined several singers and groups, including Caparezza, The Social State, Elisa, Vasco Brondi, Emma Marrone, Negramaro, Diodato, Hernia, Gazzelle, Gemitaiz, Motta, Roy Paci, Mauro Pagani, Thomas Paradise, Lele Sacchi, Selton, Tedua, Three Allegri Ragazzi Morti.

Among the actors and directors who responded to the initiative are Marcello Fonte, Caroline Crescentini, Gabriele Muccino, and Daniele Vicari.

Rolling Stone's "anti-Salvini Manifesto" also joined the writers and conductors of television and radio, such as Fabio Fazio, Daria Bignardi, Sandro Veronesi, Linus, Costantino della Gherardesca and Michele Serra

Nothing new! Even Salvini's answer is part of the cliché!

But if I really have to be on one side, this time I decide to stay on the "lumbard" side. Not because it becomes crazy, but because I believe, convinced, that we must respect the rules of entry and cohabitation, as in all "civil" countries; I think it's very important to control the national borders; I think it's essential to be respected by "friend" countries.

In reality, it is about this; only this. Clearly, the opposition plays its role; and as he is now a weaker and more guilty party to this disaster, he entrusts to the so-called intellectuals, to the "artists", the task of attacking those who work for the good and in the Interest of the nation [19659003]

And from their golden residences, these artists suddenly fire on the enemy, tired and supported by those who, having no more arguments to present themselves to the electorate , try to recover the lost ground thanks to four jesters that nothing they do concrete things to contribute to the solution of the problem. Not a proposition, not a real commitment; Just talk, slogans to shout at their concerts or to write about their articles.

However, even with regard to these great men, we must have patience and go right because we, on the right, are much more democratic than what they want us to believe through their "spots". But rest badured, we will continue to listen to your music, when it will be good, to read your books, when they are interesting, to see your movies or TV shows when they are exciting, enjoyable, exciting.

In short, we will continue to set up your bank accounts! Be thankful, at least for that reason, to those who made you, even righteous intellectuals, rich, beautiful and intelligent.

For the rest, ahead of any Salvini, we know that these kids will stop having nightmares and believe in "the black man". "


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