Effective instant diet: Weekly menu


Brilliantly Overcome the Trial Costume or simply get back in shape for an important event: these are often the goals of the choice to impose a healthy and low-calorie diet aimed at to get a weight loss in a short time

Schedule a lightning regime that turns out to be very effective, however, does not mean skipping meals or conducting a completely unregulated diet in the attempt to eliminate a few pounds of excess: it is essential to better balance the food consumed every day by avoiding the renunciations dangerous to health by giving priority to vegetables and fruits in season but also by considerably limiting the condiments.

=> Discover the fake myths about food

Before you can see in detail the food plan to follow in the context of a fast calorie diet, it is important to emphasize and a time limit: this type of diet should be followed for a very limited time, equal to one or two weeks at most. It is also essential to turn to your doctor to exclude specific situations that may make you risked facing dieting

General Rules


As any self-respecting diet proposed here does not does not promise miracles but, if followed accurately, helps to lose a maximum of 2 or 3 kilograms, while encouraging a general rationalization also due to the loss of excess of fluid . ] rules basic must always be respected:

  • drink abundantly during the day, preferably away from meals and limited to natural water ;
  • are granted herbal tea ] strictly unsweetened to be consumed during the day;
  • it is possible to consume raw vegetables as a starch breaker opting between cucumbers and fennel, excellent for deflation and draining
  • in the middle of the morning and in the middle of d. afternoon, in snack, you can alternate a seasonal fruit, an orange juice or a low fat yogurt (if you choose the Greek must be strictly fat free)
  • for to unite with the regime a little of physical activity .

This is a complete weekly schedule with basic meal and snack information. The menu includes portions of white meat and fish, but it is possible to replace these protein meals with other foods that guarantee a correct intake of protein and prevent the emergence of imbalances. such as Seitan and soy beans just to give some examples


  • Breakfast: unsweetened coffee or tea, 2 rusks preferably whole with a layer of jam without sugar added
  • Lunch: 150 grams of chicken bad or turkey bad with a plate of raw or cooked vegetables, plus 40 grams of rye bread
  • Dinner: minestrone of vegetables without pasta and legumes seasoned with a teaspoon of oil, 80 grams of light ricotta and 40 grams of rye bread.


  • Breakfast: coffee or tea unsweetened, a biscuit complete with jam and a seasonal fruit and
  • Lunch: 120 grams of fish lean cooked in foil or grilled more salad with vegetables with little flavor, plus 40 grams of rye bread;
  • Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, 40 grams of wholemeal bread or rye and vegetables as needed


  • Breakfast: coffee or unsweetened tea, 4 biscuits [19659012] Lunch: 100 grams of flakes of milk or alternatively a mozzarella with few fats, salad to taste and 40 grams of rye bread;
  • Dinner: 60 grams of complete pasta seasoned only with a tablespoon of light tomato sauce (or with a diced vegetable), plus a plate of mixed salad to taste

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  • Breakfast: coffee or unsweetened tea, 2 rusks preferably complete with a veil of jam
  • Lunch: 80 grams of tuna well sg occiolato or natural, 40 g of bread whole or rye and green salad mixed with a teaspoon of oil and vinegar or lemon juice
  • Dinner: 150 grams of grilled white meat with grilled vegetables plus 40 grams of bread


Breakfast: coffee or unsweetened tea, 4 biscuits

Lunch: 60 grams of brown rice with vegetables, salad to taste

Dinner: 120 grams of baked fish, a tom plate cherries 40 grams of bread;


  • Breakfast: coffee or unsweetened tea, 2 rusks with a teaspoon of jam
  • Lunch: 60 grams of boiled chickpeas with vegetables, a plate of salad to taste
  • Dinner: a plate of bresaola with arugula and some flakes of wheat seasoned with oil, lemon and black pepper, plus 40 grams of wholemeal bread;

Saturday and Sunday

=> Discover the low calorie diet

  • unsweetened coffee or tea, a biscuit complete with jam and a seasonal fruit
  • Lunch: 70 grams of pasta complete with tomato sauce or stir-fried vegetables, plus a plate of mixed salad
  • Dinner: pasta-flavored vegetable soup seasoned with a teaspoon of oil, 80 grams of light ricotta and 40 grams of rye bread

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