Enrico Mentana wants to found a newspaper exclusively made by young people


The director of Tg La7 Enrico Mentana spoke about the question of the precariousness of young people in Italy. In particular, he decided to "take the field" and found a newspaper for the use and consumption of those professionals who saw a regressed closed market.

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Enrico Mentana Founds a Newspaper for Young People

For Mentana, not new to complaints like this, c & # 39; is the first time that he has engaged concretely on the subject. This was announced with a long post on Facebook, which we report here in full:

I made a decision. I have said and written so many times that we, members of the generation of the 50s and 60s, have managed to fulfill our dream of being journalists, which is nowadays excluded even for the better young people today. I've tried to explain why this almost complete closure has occurred (similar to that of many other professions). Crisis of the traditional press, collapse of the advertising, reduction of the profits for the invalids of the web, always higher cost of the already existing journalistic work compared to the income of the publishers, and much more. The result, however, is that we are always seated, protected by contracts that protect us, well paid, with independent health insurance and a pension that awaits us. Apart from many young people, potentially more than worthy, expect standing and without guarantees. And even readers and viewers are like us: after all, a product manufactured by sixty, with twentieth-century methods, is followed by custom, tradition, and similar politico-cultural coordinates of an audience where young people simply do not exist. Then it was time for me to do something concrete: give birth to a digital daily made only by regularly contracted young people, perhaps with the editorial protection of an "old" amateur (reversing the logic of the scene !) Who can reopen the market of writing and journalistic reading for new generations. From me I will put a portion of the funding and the daily contribution of the writings that until now I have posted on Facebook. If with economic contributions and advertising, he will stand up, very well. If – as inevitable at least at the beginning – will be in the liabilities, I will take care of it. If – as I hope – it will become profitable, all badets will be used for new hires and collaborations. If, for their own reasons, there will be companies or customers able to help without demanding anything, they will be welcome. For the advertising collection will be chosen that will make the best offer. I will ask reporters and FNSI to order the most correct regulatory and contributory grids and only then will I consider how to start recruitment. Keep in touch

Of course, the courage of the director does not miss

(Photo credit: Ansa)

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