Enrico Ruggeri: the tweet about the seller of roses triggers controversy on the net


A tweet is enough to trigger a polemic, to receive insults and to divide the followers . They are the effects of communication in social times and know the known characters, this time it is the turn of Enrico Ruggeri . In the center of the debate a little misunderstanding with a seller of roses that led to hundreds of comments, a symptom that the climate is particularly tense on migrants

At dinner with my daughter.
Adidas of the same color as the shirt.
He insists 3/4 minutes and says that he is hungry.
I wear.
I pay with 50 + 20 + 20 + 10 cents.
"I do not want to change" and go away
I beg your pardon, I did not want anyone to tell me

– Enrico Ruggeri (@ricricoruggeri) July 14, 2018

"At dinner with my daughter.The type of roses arrives, Adidas in the same color as the shirt.It insists 3/4 minutes and says that he is hungry.Cedo.I pay with 50 + 20 + 20 + 10 cents. "I do not want a cowardly change" and that goes away. I apologize, I did not want anyone to tell me, "writes I & # 39; Milanese artist. A few seconds and the first accusations of racism arrive, others take the ball to claim their extremist positions . There are praises of Fascist twenties showing bottles of "Sangiovese di Predappio", which are bored by reference to the garment and to those who accuse it of being as misplaced as unpleasant.

The lyricist and singer, whose intention was probably ironic, he tried to answer those who gave him the "sting" by asking him to give at least five euros : " Taccagno I would not say: Apart from my personal initiatives that I do not talk about nearly 100 million euros are donated to the National Singers Tell me what she does, apart from the well-educated soldier (however, the level of dissent is this) ". To add, in response to another user, that the responses of those who attacked him are full of "verbal abuse, rage, personal insults". They seem to me humanely and intellectually worse than those who understood the ironic spirit of the Post . Easy to keep behind a keyboard, of course. "

Several times in those years Ruggeri was considered a right singer, at the weekly Tu replied last April:" I have always made choices person: on the Balkan war, on the death penalty, now on Tibet. Without ever asking if it was a battle of right or left ".

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