Exceptional intervention at the Policlinico di Messina. Tumor of 11 kilos removed


Exceptional intervention performed at the University Hospital of Messina, where it appears to be stat or excised an abdominal tumor of about 11 kg. The patient is a 69-year-old woman, already out of the hospital and whose health conditions were declared excellent, very important intervention was carried out by the team of Professor Antonio Macrì . interdepartmental program for the treatment of peritoneal tumors and soft tissue sarcomas in the university hospital. Pare's situation was rather compromised and also quite difficult to treat considering the weight and size of the tumor and also an abnormal and important vascularization as well as the very close relations that the tumor contracted with other vital organs.

ae performed the intervention which lasted about 6 hours and also required the execution of multivisceral resections and allowed however complete removal of the tumor. Fortunately, even the postoperative course did not have any complications and the woman was released after about two weeks

"It's an extremely rare case, even if it's not a problem. is not the first that we operated, histological (giant retroperitoneal sarcoma), but especially for the size reached by the neoplasm and for dissemination in some difficult to reach anatomical regions, involving large vessels, kidneys, l? intestine, peritoneum, muscles, bones and nerve structures.The tumor actually occupied the entire abdomen, disrupting the entire intestine in a very small part of the peritoneal cavity " these are the words reported by Professor Macrì that we have already said the head of the interdepartmental program for the treatment of peritoneal tumors and soft tissue sarcomas of the hospital of Messina

The same thing equal added that it seems pretty incredible that in the era of prevention, we are still today facing tumors of these dimensions but unfortunately the original house and also dissemination methods mean that these tumors give sign of if only in the rather advanced phases.

Shock of India: Suppression of the largest brain tumor of nearly two kilograms

In India, a tumor was removed a few days ago, considered the largest in the world. world. This incredible intervention lasted about 7 hours and was performed at BYL Nair Charitable Hospital. The incredible intervention lasted as we already said 7 hours ago and was deemed necessary because the patient Santlan Pal, for a tissue seller was becoming blind because of the l 39; huge tumor mbad that was growing inside his brain. According to the Indian news agency Evans, the patient in question appears to have been a tumor located near the brain and would be the largest tumor in the world, so that its weight was 4.1 pounds . ] Which equates to about 1.9 kg

Just when the doctors had detected the tumor, it was the initial state and its weight was initially 600 grams. "The patient, interned on February 1, appears as if he had two heads superimposed on each other.Even the blood vessels of the scalp had become complex and dilated. headaches continued and was completely blind " explains Professor Trimurti Nadkarni, head of the Department of Neurosurgery at the BYL Nair Hospital.

This operation was carried out last February 14 lasted seven hours, but immediately after the operation, the man was transferred to the intensive care ward with badisted breathing. The doctors, thanks to this operation, managed to remove the tumor with some cranial bones. For the moment, it seems that the patient reacted very well, but it is probable that the vision will not be restored more completely and we still do not know what type of tumor was actually. "Such tumors are rare and represent a surgical challenge.There was a high blood loss and this required great team competence in perioperative monitoring for a positive outcome." a similar case reported earlier was 1.4 kg The patient is recovering well and is now able to walk and follow a full diet and feels relieved by a heavy burden on his head ", recalls ] Trimurti Nadkarni who seems to have guided the operation.

The operation was rather pervasive and is one of the most complex It has never been practiced and hired Indian doctors and many other doctors in the world who l & # 39; followed with great interest. Doctors intervened to unravel the important bases of bone cartilage and also to extract this mbad and it was necessary to maintain the patient in a pharmacological coma to avoid damage in the immediate postoperative period. Fortunately, the patient is now out of danger and is normal again Although, as we have said, the sight seems unfortunately not to completely restore

Campobbado shock: tumor recorded 12.5 kg at 37 years

Campobbado, excised tumor of 12 and a half pounds to a 37-year-old woman. The intervention that removed the 12.5-kilogram tumor was performed at the John Paul II Foundation in Campobbado by Dr. Fabio Rotondi, Director of the Department of Oncology and Unity. Surgery Complex of General Surgery and Oncology, and by dr. . Francesco Cosentino, director of the Oncology Gynecology Unit. The patient is now in good health and was released after a few days of hospitalization.

Record 12.5 kg tumor: The clinical picture immediately became very complex due to weight, size, large and abnormal peritoneal vascularization, and due to the fact that the tumor insisted on vital organs . The intervention lasted about three hours, necessary to remove the entire mbad, without macroscopic residual disease and without damaging the vital organs.

This is not the first time that dr. Rotondi, badisted by Berardi and Pericoli Ridolfini, is confronted with situations of such complexity. In the last three years, a 17-kilogram tumor has been removed in a 65-year-old patient, one in 11 kilos in a 53-year-old patient and another 14-kilos in a 74-year-old patient. years

. This is possible thanks to teamwork, "said Rotondi, thanking the director of the Department of Images, and anesthesiologists-resuscitators, coordinated by Dr. Liberatoscioli.

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