Extra virgin olive oil, an enemy of the intestinal cancer


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Daily consumption of extra virgin olive oil helps prevent and fight intestinal tumors. The discovery is carried out by the research group of Antonio Moschetta of the University of Bari, thanks to a study funded by the Italian Association for Cancer Research (Airc) whose results are published in the journal Gastroenterology.

"Extra virgin olive oil – says Moschetta – is rich in oleic acid, a substance that can regulate cell proliferation.In preclinical studies, we have been able to simulate altered genes and disease states. intestinal inflammation, showing that the administration of a diet enriched with oleic acid is able to guarantee significant health benefits. These positive effects also seem to be due to the presence of the enzyme Scd1 in the intestinal epithelium, which acts as the main regulator of oleic acid production in our body ".

In the study, the researchers inactivated the gene that codes for Scd1 and showed that in the absence of oleic acid in the diet and under conditions of decreased endogenous production of this enzyme, we have first an inflammation, then a development of spontaneous tumors of the intestine. . "If instead – concluded Moschetta – in the diet, we add oleic acid, we restore normal intestinal physiology with reduced inflammation and protection against tumor formation. By exploiting the beneficial properties of oleic acid, it will be possible in the future to reduce the appearance of the tumor, especially in patients with intestinal inflammation or already affected by this disease, to slow down its growth and 'improve cancer treatments already used, which increases'.


The composition of olive oil includes: · 70-80% oleic acid (unsaturated fatty acids) · 4-12% linoleic acid (unsaturated fatty acids) · 7- 15% palmitic acid (saturated fatty acids) · 2- 6% stearic acid (saturated fat) The lower the linoleic acid content, the more stable the olive oil is to oxidation, which is however lower than that obtainable by other oils. The composition in human fat is subdivided as follows: · 65-87% oleic acid · 17-21% palmitic acid · 5-6.5% stearic acid Note immediately the following: compositional affinity of the two elements, which explains the ease with which the human body badimilates this food which is superior to that of any other oil or fat. Essential food of the Mediterranean diet, extra virgin olive oil is now considered a fundamental part of the treatment and prevention of various diseases. According to several studies, conducted repeatedly, different beneficial properties of extra virgin olive oil have been demonstrated. The food use that is made of it, cooked or raw, is naturally stronger in the production areas where it contributes in a very substantial way to characterize what is called the "Mediterranean diet". In fact, among people who exclusively use olive oil, the incidence of heart attacks and cardiovascular disease is much less common, even though the caloric intake of the diet itself even is high.


Reduces cholesterol: Many studies have shown that olive oil reduces LDL (low density lipoprotein) and VLDL (very low density lipoprotein), responsible for deposits of "bad" cholesterol on walls of the arteries, thus seriously endangering their integrity. At the same time, it improves the HDL factor, the "good cholesterol" which removes cholesterol from the walls of the arteries and brings it back to the liver where it contributes to the formation of bile whose function, in digestion, is to emulsify the fat. All this is possible thanks to the composition of olive oil and especially to that of 70-80% oleic acid (unsaturated) which makes it the most recommended condiment.

Composition of HDL and LDL lipoproteins The following table allows an easy comparison between the most common dietary fats, taking into account that each oil or fat contains: saturated fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids (polyunsaturated and unsaturated). Phytosterols, a group of sterols found in oil, have the property of reducing cholesterol levels in the blood. Added to this is the activity of monounsaturated fatty acids such as oleic acid and palmitoleic acid which, in addition to reducing LDL cholesterol levels, increase the amount of good HDL cholesterol. Studies show that these substances help prevent heart disease and stroke. Research conducted in France on elderly patients showed that regular consumption of extra virgin olive oil could reduce the risk of stroke by 41%.

Blood pressure: The possibility of cardiac infarction decreases by about 30% and blood pressure decreases. The polyphenols and vitamin E contained in extra virgin olive oil, thanks to their antioxidant action, help prevent arteriosclerosis and slow down cellular aging.

Arthritis and Osteoporosis: Although the mechanisms with which it works, recent studies have not yet shown how people who adopt a diet rich in extra virgin olive oil are less likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis. than people who consume very little extra virgin olive oil. The benefits for the bones have also been highlighted with regard to the prevention of osteoporosis. In fact, it seems that regular consumption of olive oil improves the absorption of calcium by the body.

Antitumor: As several studies report, there is data badociating the use of extra virgin olive oil with the reduction of certain types of cancer, especially bad cancer. In addition, tumor mortality is higher in northern European countries than in the countries of the Mediterranean region.

Diabetes: An article published in the journal Diabetes Care showed that a diet rich in this precious liquid could reduce by almost 50% the risk of diabetes 2. It was always thought that a high-fat diet could increase the risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Thanks to ongoing studies on the subject, we now know that it is not the amount of fat that affects our health, but our quality. A diet rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, such as those contained in extra virgin olive oil and dried fruits, can protect the body from many of these diseases.

Depression: An entirely Spanish study says that a diet rich in unsaturated fatty acids found in extra virgin olive oil, in fish and in some vegetables, has properties that can help prevent the Depression.

Alzheimer's: A study published in Chemical Neuroscience has shown that the oleocantal substance responsible for pinching in the throat has useful properties to reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. Digestive properties: It is known to have beneficial effects on digestion. It is used as a medicinal oil to cleanse the digestive system and thus improve intestinal transit with preventive effects against constipation.

Blood Vessels: The polyphenols contained in extra virgin olive oil strengthen the cell walls and increase the elasticity of the blood vessel walls, thus providing protection to the cardiovascular system.

Cognitive function: The Mediterranean diet is also known for its beneficial properties with regard to cognitive functioning, especially in the elderly and adults. A study conducted in France on adult and elderly patients showed that regular use of extra virgin olive oil could significantly improve visual memory and verbal skills.

Applications of extra virgin olive oil

As food: The extra virgin olive oil is a good substrate for frying: it is highly recommended to fry foods because their smoke point is 140-180 ° C and can reach 280 ° C without combustion, thanks to: its low acidity. No other fat can escape unscathed at such high temperatures. It is an excellent food also for conservation in oil. The nutritional properties, compared to any residual gas seasoning, are much better; Assuming that it is a food widely appreciated for its typical taste and flavor, extra virgin olive oil deserves to be used "raw" at free frequency, but in proportionate doses to the real calorie needs of the subject. However, olive oil has a very high energy value (899 Kcal per 100 grams) and for this reason, despite its beneficial properties, it should not be abused. In particular, especially in cases of obesity and overweight, it is advisable to dose it with a spoon or a teaspoon, respecting the doses provided in the diet program.

Cosmetic Properties: Olive oil is used for soap making, where the last pressing product is used. Extra virgin olive oil also has properties and applications very different from those of the kitchen. as we have already mentioned, it has both a saponifiable part and a non saponifiable part of liquid and yellow constitution (also called unsaponifiable oil of Olea Europeae). The latter is composed of 80% SQUALENE and 20% hydrocarbons, triterpene and aliphatic alcohols, sterols, tocopherols and carotenoids. Esters contained in olive oil treated with caustic soda or carbonates saponify by splitting into glycerin salts and alkaline fatty acids, such as soaps. Pure Marseille soap should indeed be a soap with soda. Some studies have shown a positive effect on skin sebum thanks to its emollient and restorative properties of sebum; in addition, it seems that the unsaponifiable part also benefits from a significant positive action on the trophism of the skin through stimulation of the repair process on the dermis and the epidermis. The properties of olive oil as a beauty treatment were already known to ancient peoples.

The Phoenicians called it "liquid gold", the Egyptians used it to soften the skin and make the hair shiny, the Greek athletes used it for mbadages and claws. Recent studies have shown that the lipid composition of olive oil is very similar to the sebum of human skin and is a product rich in beneficial substances and active ingredients. In fact, the structure of extra virgin olive oil is rich in polyphenols, vitamin E and carotenoids that exert a natural aging action on the skin, helping to fight against free radicals, l & rsquo; Inflammation and oxidative stress. It is a rich emollient oil that nourishes the skin deeply and regulates its natural hydration system. It also has a soothing effect on redness and irritation and is well tolerated even by the most sensitive skin.

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