Extra virgin olive oil, enemy of bad fats (not the WHO)


"Attention, it is always good news.Science recognizes the nutraceutical qualities of Italian extra virgin olive oil"

Oil or non-oil? Journalists and professionals collide on the statements of the WHO

For some, all was born of confusion and inaccurate information .

For many, the bad reputation will negatively affect oil made in Italy.

Luigi Canino does not think so. The president UNASCO national consortium of olive growers and producers, sees in a positive light the recent controversies over the poor diet.

Canino has no doubt: "The focus on oil EVO (extra virgin olive oil) is still good news." "Even if it comes from a slide on WHO positions.Science recognizes the nutraceutical qualities of Italian extra virgin olive oil, a real superfood. "

For the president, the role of oil moves to two levels.

On the one hand, the WHO and the UN have valid purpose: to reduce the impact of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. These diseases, one of the leading causes of death in industrialized countries, are caused by "bad" fats.

On the other hand, there is a need to educate the public: extra virgin olive oil is an essential ally for health. The science tells us that Italian extra virgin olive oil, thanks to its 540 varietal specialties, has nutraceutical properties that clbadify it as "superfoods".

Therefore, it becomes vital to inform the public about the causes of the problems. cardiovascular that gives space to those who produce foods that help health, instead of harming.

"It would also help a healthy industry – engaged in social responsibility actions and not just for profit, even to the detriment of the health of citizens – to deliver to consumers food specialties produced with beneficial raw materials for health prevention Who is currently marketing products made from "bad" oils and fats would also be geared to citizens choosing to opt for healthy raw materials such as extra olive oil. virgin. "

food, they can work together, but each one in their own fields and with their own skills." Canino concludes: "We are working together so that on the international markets, the stamp of italianism becomes again synonymous with taste, quality and health, even in spite of detractors, even ours. "

Matteo Clerici

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