Extracts: Which fruits and vegetables to choose?


  Extracts "title =" Extracts

The advice of nutritionists is to mix as much as possible to get the maximum benefit from each plant

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  Healthy Drinks

They Are cool well and well well ( here we explain why ). The fruit and vegetable extracts can be ordered more and more from the bars, but you can also manufacture at home . What What to put in the extractor?

The ideal is to mix as much as possible the ingredients, in order to make full of all the beneficial substances. A method for ensuring the necessary variety may be that of including vegetables of different colors in preparations



Asparagus, broccoli, artichokes, cucumbers, salad, rocket, spinach, zucchini, kiwi. In fruits and green vegetables, there is chlorophyll rich in magnesium and with a purifying effect very useful in the spring.



Tomatoes, strawberries, watermelons. They are rich in lycopene a substance that contrast free radicals also useful for prostate health .



Grapefruit, lemon, mandarin, peach, melon, carrot. In yellow-orange fruits and vegetables are present beta-carotene and flavonoids powerful antioxidants Blue-purple


Eggplant, radicchio, figs, raspberries, blueberries, plums, black grapes. They are rich in anthocyanins a group of flavonoids with anti-aging action .



Cauliflower, fennel, apple, pear. In all there is the quercetina a small active molecule in the prevention of certain tumors .


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