Extraordinary intervention in the pancreas at Spedali Civili in Brescia: 19 years saved


A 19-year-old boy, following a motorcycle accident, reported laceration of the pancreas . This injury, compromising the proper functioning of the organ, made it necessary to remove it. Autotransplantation of pancreatic islets in the liver was performed for the boy. The operation saw the collaboration between the Spedali Civili of Brescia and the San Raffaele Hospital of Milan. Medical specialists have worked together to prevent the boy from developing diabetes [VIDEO] who in such cases, is likely to come forward. But what do you think about the uniqueness of this autotransplant?

Pancreatic cells transferred into the liver

The boy, after the incident in motion, which, as indicated caused the laceration of the pancreas, was submitted during a pancreatectomy (ablation of 39, part of the organ) laparoscopically to remove the tail and body of the pancreas.

These are the two areas where the presence of insulin-producing cells is the most concentrated which exerts a very important regulating activity of glycemia . Once extracted, the tail and body of the pancreas were sent to San Raffaele Hospital laboratories in Milan, where the team led by Professor Lorenzo Piemonti planned the isolation and purification of the pancreatic beta cells which were then returned to Brescia for autotransplantation. The operation performed by the surgeons of the Brescia Hospital led by Professor Guido Alberto Mbadimo Tiberio was perfectly successful, after three weeks of hospitalization the patient was released in excellent physical condition and with a normal glycemic index. But what is the exceptionality of the Italian intervention?

The exceptional character of the Italian intervention

Ten such operations are conducted worldwide, but the Italian intervention can be considered an absolute novelty since the operation of 39, ;isolation. and purification of pancreatic beta cells was performed in a different structure from that in which laparoscopy was performed.

In short, the operation gave prestige to Italian health care that turns out to be one of the best in the world

Insulin and Diabetes

Insulin is a hormone [19659002] produced by beta cells inside the islands of pancreas . It plays a fundamental role because it allows the body to use glucose. Insulin is secreted when glucose levels in the blood are high. When they are not produced in sufficient quantities from the pancreas, higher than normal levels of glucose may promote the risk of diabetes which may be Type 1 or Type 2.

This article was checked with:

  • https://brescia.corriere.it/notizie/cronaca/18_luglio_03/innovativo-intervento-pancreas-19enne-salvato-civile-480c2840-7ec1-11e8-9a5a-8ee160d32254.shtml https: //www.diabete. net / insulin-and-glycemia-values-and-role / knowledge-diabetes / all-on-diabetes / 31006 /
  • https://scienze.fanpage.it/autotrapianto-eccezionale -initalia-pancreatic-19-year-old-regenerated-in-the-liver-with-intervention-record /

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