Ezio Greggio and Thais Souza Wiggers together in Milan


  Ezio Greggio and Thais Souza Wiggers together surprised by Novella 2000

Ezio Greggio and Thais Souza Wiggers together surprised by Novella 2000 (Photo Ansa)

MILAN – Ezio Greggio and the ancient Velina Thais Souza Wiggers are the new couple in the summer? [App di Blitzquotidiano, gratis, clicca qui,- Ladyblitz clicca qui –Cronaca Oggi, App on Google Play] It would thus seem to read what he wrote Novella 2000.

He was the director of the gossip magazine, Roberto Alessi, to meet Greggio and Thais by chance while leaving a restaurant. Friends or something more?

What is certain is that the story is over between the host Mediaset and Simona Gobbi, known in the summer of 2009 and soon became his right arm in the organization of Montecarlo Film Festival. The young Simona is no longer part of Greggio's life if it is not professionally.

Even for the Thais is now a memory of history with Teo Mammuccari which he had Julia, who is already ten years old. Among them was a turbulent love, full of ups and downs, which now seems definitely archived

But now, at least judging by what he wrote Novella 2000, there seems that the beautiful Thais and Greggio began to make a couple, not only in the studies of Striscia the Notizia.

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