Fabrizio Corona apologizes to Totti: "Honor you captain, respect yourself and your children …". And ilary?


Fabrizio Corona apologizes to Totti:

"You are a great man, I have always respected you and we respect each other …", begins the long post published by Fabrizio Corona on Instagram to apologize for Francesco Totti. Not at Ilary Blasi però, which is never mentioned in the letter. After the furious feud on live television with the conductor of Big Brother Vip, during the sixth episode of reality, the former king of the paparazzi forces us to repeat that he n & # 39; Had never had anything against the former captain of Rome and his sons, how do you point out later in the stories … and against Ilary?

"You are the history of Italian football and you are the only person clean, honest and attached to the values ​​of this corrupt world, in which only money, status symbols and ephemeral things matter ", wrote Corona:" You did your job with pbadion, as I did with mine, although morally wrong, but it was always my job and I loved it. I am sorry for what happened and I am sorry for you and your children.The estimate remains unchanged and It binds to you an indelible memory, the emotions that you made us live, to me and to the detainees of cell 116, that day during your last match, in your stadium, with your jersey, while you were saying goodbye to football.Honor to you captain, I continue to esteem and respect you, you and your children, "he concludes.

Corona is not unbalanced on Ilary, but, chased by the comments of her post, the stories bring a clarification, which looks like a new attack on Blasi: "They treat me a lot of friends who say" go read the comments "that you are bipolar and that you change your mind and that you do it under … that you were afraid of Totti and the fans of Rome … I'm going to bad with the Roma fans. I'm afraid of no one, I've never changed my mind, I've never had it with Totti, I've never had it with him. this story are our children.respects the man and his children "… and adds:" Read well between the lines, I wrote an honor for you and your children, just for you and your children then he concludes by singing the hymn of Rome … His quarrel with Ilary seems to have remained open.

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