Fabrizio Corona "makes peace" with Nina Moric? "Nina, let's try to share together for the sake of our son"


New turning point in relations between Fabrizio Corona and her ex Nina Moric: after years of mara and controversy over the care of her son Carlos, the former king of the paparazzi seems to have backed down by rehabilitating his mother his son

Completed a post on Instagram, Corona suggests that a return to family harmony is possible, especially for the sake of Carlos.

Life gives us life takes us, life learns it strengthens but sometimes it destroys you by making you very bad. But what remains is the substance of true things. Always and yet you can start again, especially if the end is something special. Forgive is not weak, inconsistent but of mature people to whom life has taught so much. We try to start again for his and for our good.

Among the many comments at the post of Fabrizio Corona, stands Nina Moric, whose tones also seem conciliatory:

We need three lives: one for fake, one to correct mistakes, one to savor all.

In recent years, on many occasions, Moric, considered unable to take care of his son, had asked permission to see the teenager again. Carlos had been entrusted to Gabriella Corona, Fabrizio's mother. In a long interview with HuffPost Italy, the old model expressed regret

My son was taken away on the basis of rumors that I had been using drugs or alcohol. I did a lot of tests, and everything was still negative. But nothing has changed. Meanwhile, my son has serious health problems and I can not be near him […] My ex-mother-in-law as a mother has failed. With Fabrizio Corona, he made a mess. Now she wants a new chance and takes advantage of the power and knowledge that her husband Vittorio Corona left him. Vittorio would be ashamed of what he does to me

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