Failure to diagnose Down syndrome: 500,000 € to the family


In Portogruaro, in 2009, a twenty-year-old girl gave birth to a baby, but she was not informed of the fetal malformation. After nine years, the Pordenone District Court sentenced ASL n.4 of Eastern Veneto to to compensate the woman for the sum of 500,000 euros .

The pregnant woman did not know that she could perform amniocentesis and villocentesis [19659003] In 2009, the young woman was only twenty years old and she had decided to rely on it. 39, experience of the then head in charge of the Department of Gynecology at Portogruaro

However the doctor only performed the search for nuchal translucency on the fetus. whose mission is to measure the distance between the skin of the neck and the spine of the child

This ultrasound examination is very important to verify, at first, whether the fetus can present genetic abnormalities but must be confirmed later by other more specific tests such as the Bi-test .

In addition, pregnant women may request to undergo even more invasive investigations, but with some result, such as amniocentesis and villocentesis, to confidently check the actual health of the child to born

The child was born with Down syndrome and now the family must be compensated 500,000 euros

for excessive safety or superficiality the primary gynecologist did not perform the Bi test on the fetus. He did not inform the future mother of the possibility of undergoing further screening tests, in order to eventually decide to terminate the pregnancy.

Thus, at birth, the child was affected by Trisomia 21 Down syndrome, a chronic genetic disorder that strongly conditions the life of the person and members of his family [19659003] Three years later, the mother of the child, with his partner, decides to start a legal battle against the ASL. only today is the sentence finally received

The judge of the Court of Pordenone, in the person of Francesco Tonon, sentenced the doctor who followed the mothers and all the Asl to pay him the sum 500,000 euros.

In fact, the young mother has not only been deprived of the opportunity to choose to continue the pregnancy, but she will also have to guarantee the disabled child continued badistance, with considerable repercussions. the ions from an economic and psychological point of view .

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