False data in advertisements There is the first conviction for a no-vax activist


Now, no vax, before advertising with false data, will think twice about it. You are not joking with health. Especially if the health is that of children. He had posted posters containing false information about vaccinations and now, Magda Piacentini, a Vax activist, is going to have to pay a € 400 fine for "triggering the alarm". The reference is to six meters by three manifestos, which appeared in February, with the text: "Do not speculate on children, we want the truth about vaccines: 21,658 damaged in the period 2014-16 according to the data of the 39; AIFA ". This is the first conviction of a non vax. The reason? The data collected by the badociations "Let's take the planet – Movement of human resistance" and "Parents of No Emilia Romagna" and incorrectly attributed to the Italian Medicines Agency were false. The reported number represented the total number of suspicious reports and not the registered cases of children who suffered vaccine damage, as claimed by the no vax on Facebook. The sentence can still be the subject of an appeal but represents a first point on the issue. According to what is reported by the newspaper La Gazzetta di Modena, the activist committees against vaccinations was sentenced after the trial of the local health company Ausl Modena. The no vax had therefore been forced to retract. A late denial, however. According to the magistrate, indeed, the error had been committed and was "irreparable". The term no vax (antivaccinismo) indicates the position of those who are opposed to the administration of vaccines, thus baduming a position contrary to the established address in the scientific community which emphasizes instead its efficiency and safety absolute. The technique for overcoming infectious diseases dates back to 1796 by the British physician Edward Jenner (1749-1823). Since the time of Jenner, vaccination has always been the subject of discussions between supporters and opponents. Although many advocates of anti-vaccine theories may be held in good faith, there have been instances where some individuals (including physicians, researchers, and experts) have received funding to support a causal link between vaccines and various diseases. . Meanwhile, in Italy, the "debate" continues. The new Minister of Health, as soon as she became a mother, said: "I will take my baby as soon as possible".

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