fans wonder if they wear underwear


Instagram seems to have brought a heat wave this summer, with web and entertainment stars showing, rightly and wrongly, what mother nature has given them. Among the different figures that in recent weeks were followed [VIDEO] there are those who decided to spontaneously publish photographs showing off their clothes to scream. To be questioned for some clichés published on his profile Instagram this time it is the wonderful Elisabetta Gregoraci who certainly was not deprived of it. Show off a dress with plunging neckline that leaves the imagination free to the fans with the most attentive eye.

In the images published by Elisabetta, it is possible to see her wearing a denim dress with shapes that resemble those of a dungarees. The vestitino which seems to end just above the knees, is "tied" on the hips with chains that show the bare skin of the young woman of the world. Just these golden chains raised the questions of the various fans who began to wonder if Gregoraci wore or not underwear under this dress.

A roaring dress for Gregoraci, but some underwear? [19659005] In the last period, the young old of Briatore was busy with the Battiti Live tour which led it a little around the Italian peninsula. During the stage in Andria, Elisabetta decided to put on display one of her most elaborate outfits signed Phillip Plein .

A dress that gave way to the ex-maid's followers to ask the most absurd and advanced questions, including the question of whether the woman was wearing underwear or not.

This is certainly a question question that will not find an answer, but that will continue to leave curiosity and doubt in the minds of many people. The only thing certain is that the dress worn by Elisabetta Gregoraci has managed to complete its task of "I see and I do not see", leaving everyone free imagination. If inside the dress there is a slip designed specifically to be almost "invisible" we do not know yet, but certainly the dress has done its great form.

But the curiosity of the Elisabetta disciples does not stop there and many have begun to wonder if they will be able to see it on television during the third edition of Great Fratello Vip . [VIDEO] A legitimate curiosity, especially now that the story with Flavio Briatore has definitely ended, but that for the moment no answer has been found.

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