Fast food increases the possibility of asthma cases


It has been shown that those who consume burgers three times a week often suffer from asthma

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Pay attention to fast food and if you can do without it . According to researchers at the University of Sichuan, the consumption of these products could lead to a greater likelihood of contracting respiratory diseases, such as asthma, wheezing, eczema and rhino- conjunctivitis. The results of the research were published in the specialist journal Respirology.

Fast Food and Asthma

It has been shown that those who consume hamburgers three times a week often suffer from asthma. Poor nutrition can also cause wheezing.

"Further studies are needed to confirm the relationships observed in this badysis and to identify potential causal badociations between fast food consumption and allergic diseases," he said Gang Wang Researcher at the Western China Hospital of Sichuan University.

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