Fennel diet: what is and how the diet that deflates the stomach works


What is the diet of fennel and how does it work the diet that promises to deflate belly quickly

Promotes diuresis and has a very low amount of calories: its majesty has always been fennel among the main foods for those who want to eat something healthy, tasty and light at the same time. And there are those who swear that following a diet based exclusively on this fruit would allow you to lose weight in the blink of an eye. But what is the fennel diet? And does it really work?

What is certain, it is that fennel (" Foeniculum vulgare" ) has important digestive and aromatic properties, is rich in vitamins A, B and C and

It is known in two varieties: fennel sweet and bitter or also called " selvatico " and its peculiar flavor, similar to [19459009Anise is due to the constant presence of anethole (about 80%), an essence with which we make sambuca, pastis, anisette or anise in Spain. [19659005] Why insert fennel into the diet, all properties

Beyond an exclusive fennel-based diet (and the term "exclusive" makes it questionable in itself, but we'll see later) , it is good to introduce vegetables into your style of food for more reason

If you do not want to put on bacon, it is good and know that fennel, which does not contain neither starch nor lipid, is a hungry fennel, a very low calorie vegetable and, since it is composed almost entirely of water, is an excellent diuretic and digestive. On the other hand, fennel can be useful even in case of inappetence because it stimulates appetite and gastric secretion by the action of its aromatic principles.

1% is composed of protein, 1% ash and carbohydrates, while 3% fiber. The minerals include potbadium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese and selenium, while vitamins are mainly composed of vitamin B and vitamin C. [19659003] or phytoestrogens, natural estrogenic substances that have the power to balance female hormone levels, proving useful for stimulating milk production in lactating women and relieving menstrual cycle disorders

The properties of fennel therefore:

  • depurative
  • digestive
  • diuretic
  • carminative
  • anti-inflammatory
  • improves liver function and is an ally of the well-being of the gastrointestinal tract
  • relieves muscle spasms
  • regulates the menstrual cycle and relieves menopausal disorders

Read also: Fennel: fantastic properties, calories and how to use it maximum

The diet of the finocch I, how it works

Because draining and low calorie some dieticians recommend to regularly introduce fennel into the diet by looking for flat stomach and fast weight loss.

of the fennel diet, should be taken daily 1300 calories with an abundance not only of fennel, but of fresh vegetables in general, infusions made of fennel and 2 liters of water to drink every day.

The fennel diet should be followed at most for one month and would even lose 4-5 kg ​​. In the first few weeks, indeed, the body gets rid of excess toxins and intestinal gas and the stomach deflates, so you continue to lose the extra pounds.

The diet of fennel provides a consumption of at least 300 grams of fennel a day and all day long: the daily breakfast includes barley coffee, semi-skimmed milk and cereals, while snacks are based on raw fennel or in the form of yarn, if desired, a lean yogurt and purifying herbal tea

A typical day, for example, the menu includes :

Pasta with tomato and basil
Salad with fennel [19659003] Dinner
Vegetable sauce with carrots
Egg omelet
Fennel cooked in oil

It is well known that fennel is not the only draining and purifying food. Also cucumber is able to deflate the belly and lose weight in a short time, as well as a diet based on lemon and grapefruit.

See also: Cucumber water: all the benefits and how preparation of the summer detox drink

Losing weight with fennel seeds

  fennel seeds

Some argue that the seeds fennel help to lose weight by reducing appetite and keep hunger away. The seeds would also have the ability to improve the absorption of nutrients and reduce the accumulation of fat . However, no studies have been conducted to support these statements

However, what seems to be established, is that fennel seeds function as a potent diuretic and are good allies in the reduction of liquids in the body

. Fennel seed contains no "magic" nutrients that will help us lose weight, but its very low calorie and nutrients make it a good addition to any low calorie diet for the line . A tablespoon of fennel seeds has 20 calories, 1 gram of protein, 3 grams of carbohydrates and 2 grams of fiber. It is also a good source of iron and can absorb the intake of calcium, potbadium, magnesium, zinc and many B vitamins.

Here you can find all the extraordinary benefits for health fennel seeds.

The fennel diet, does it really work?

Like all diets based on the predominance of a single food, say no. Unless you want to experience the thrill of the mythical effect yo-yo what we have left to lose weight, or at least not to put bacon, c & # 39; is a diet very varied and rich in substances that our body needs.

If you eat the same food at the table several times a day, you can touch the boredom and get us to look for something else. Finally, the taste of fennel is in favor of satiety and taste, so eating it often will not feel a great sense of satisfaction and will tend to compensate with other foods.
Therefore, our advice is always to avoid Do it yourself and trust a good nutritionist who can badure us a new style of healthy and balanced food.

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