Filing of Nas complaints at the Cannavacciuolo bistro in Turin


The judge files the denunciations of the Nas at the bistro of Cannavacciuolo in Turin: clarified the events of December

The bistro of Cannavacciuolo a Turin finally emerges from the l '; complicated story that he had seen the protagonist in December

. A few months ago, the club had been involved in some checks Nas who had identified some irregularities. The news, which had been around the web (and beyond), had irreparably damaged the image of this activity just opened.
The local chef played in the middle of the storm because some foods like pasta, fish and vegetables were subjected to the reduction process, but without being marked with a special asterisk next to the dishes (although the practice has been legal regularly). Not only that: no product was found in the kitchen during the morning when the checks took place.

The second irregularity, however, was justified by the fact that the army arrived around 10:00 am and the workers were busy. prepare the dishes. It was not yet time to complete the registration forms

Thus, Cinzia Primatesta wife of Cannavacciuolo and general director of Ca Pri. Srl (a company that runs the bistro) has proved totally foreign to the facts. The director, Giuseppe Savoia was instead laundered from the charge of commercial fraud for the fragility of the facts. To establish he was the judge for the preliminary inquiries, Riccardo Ricciardi .

Good news for the chef and all the staff, who nevertheless received demonstrations of solidarity from the customers. A decision that rewards sacrifices for several months, and now allows employees to return to work with confidence.

(Photo taken from Fox Life)


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